Chapter 24 (See You In A Week)

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„See you in a week."  Allie smiled happily, watching Clay and Nick board the train.

„Let's get home shall we?" Mrs. Simons said cheerfully.


„Come on. I'll show you where you can stay." Tommy pulled Allie into the house and up the stairs.

Leaving Tommys parents laughing at the two.

Tommy took Allie up the stairs and around a corner. "Here." he pointed into a beige room. Allie smiled. It looked really pretty.

"This is lovely thank you!" Tommy pulled her further and stopped in front of a door that read: Tommy. In those letters that young children are given. Allie giggled at the letters and Tommy just rolled his eyes.

"This is my humble abode." in the right hand corner was his bed and to the left his computer and gaming set up.

"You've got a sick keyboard." Allie told him honestly.

"Why thank you. Custom made." Allie chuckled, knowing what YouTube video he was talking about.

"You have the biggest mess up there." Allie pointed towards the shelf covered in she supposed school books and notepads.

"We avoid that." Tommy steered her towards the set up again. Whilst Allie just quietly giggled to herself, Tommy started up his PC.

"What do you wanna do?" he questioned grabbing an extra chair for Allie to sit on.

"Minecraft?" "What d'you think?"

They both watched Tommy's screen start loading and pressed on create world.

"What do we call it?" Allie wondered as Tommy typed something into the box.

"We're not calling it big balls." Allie said sternly and deleted the writing.

"Why not?" the boy whined as Allie entered the name.

"T&A's world. That's lame." Tommy sulked in his chair.

"It's fine. We can invite the rest as well. It'll be cool." Allie tried to up sell the name.

"Who's the rest?"

"I don't know. Toby, Noah? You know make it a collections world."

"Sound good." they agreed on the purpose of the world and played for a good while, till Tommys mother called them down for supper.

Hello my lovelies!

I was wondering what you all thought about an idea for a book I have in my drafts.

It's an original with enemies to lovers trope and lots of blood and fighting as it does have fighting in the name. I was wondering what you guys thought?

And I'm sorry it won't be LGBTQIA+ as I don't have a clue how to write that 🥲.

Would you all be interested?
(Update: I posted it and it's on my profile.)

Love you all bye!

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