Chapter 20 (Promise)

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Warning: kind of sad


Allie was sick, again. This time with a sore throat, taking away the ability for her to talk. Which was a useful skill and made life quite difficult when gone.

"Allie!" Clay yelled up the stairs.

Allie ran down to the kitchen, in which the group was collected. "We're going to go film a blog. There's tea in the water boiler and don't forget to put lemon and honey in. You need your voice back."

Allie grabbed her notepad and quickly scribbled some words down.

It read, that's a kettle.

"Sorry, your tea is in the kettle." Clay replied sarcastically.

"The only real way to call it, is a kettle." Tubbo told Clay sternly. He just rolled his eyes at the British room he was situated in.

Bye, Allie wrote on her notepad. Turning around and walking up the stairs to go sulk in her room again.


"Morning." Tommy ruffled Allies hair, which was sprawled across her face.

"Mhm." Allie 'replied'. She didn't want to wake up and was content in Tommy's embrace after having watched a movie together.

They were tired and Allie not being able to speak, wanted to do something that wouldn't involve any talking. So watching a movie was the perfect idea.

Clay had walked in on the two sleeping tiredly. However he didn't disturb them, because even though they were close together, he wasn't worried about Tommy. He liked Tommy, because he thought he was a good kid.

„Come on, it's like 4 am I'm hungry." Tommy mumbled, hearing his stomach gurgle.

„Dumbarse." Allie muttered. Turning around, wanting to fall asleep again.

„No, I want food." Tommy stated, pulling Allie over to him and shaking her lightly.

„Fine." Allie tossed the blanket away and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

„Thank you." Tommy answered sarcastically. He just wanted food and knew Allie hadn't eaten all day, as it was hard to swallow with her soar throat. Better to say ‚yesterday'.

They tiptoed down the stairs, making sure to try and not make a noise. Everyone else was sleeping in their respective rooms. Which made Allie wonder how Nick was doing. She remembered how her dad and George were and hoped he wasn't having too much trouble.

Once they had made their salami toasts they walked into the balcony. The air was still warm in Florida. Although it was already October.

„I can't believe you're all leaving next week. " Allie said bittersweet.

„Me neither." Tommy mumbled quietly. He didn't really want to think about it. „Don't worry about it though.", he continued, „ You're coming over to Britain next. We'll show you guys all the attractions."

„I was there before...with my mum. Only good memory I had with her to be fair. Bittersweet." Allie muttered the last word under her breath.

„I'm sorry. To be fair you got a really cool dad though. You know YouTube and all..." Tommy tried to lighten her spirits up.

„I guess so." Allie said so quietly it was hardly audible. She felt warm liquid go down her left cheek. A small tear.

„Don't cry." Tommy chuckled light heartedly. He offered her a hug.

„Trying not to. Don't forget me in Britain alright?" Allie mumbled accepting the warm hug, the boy offered.

„Will do."




Hello my lovelies!

Look who updated. 😃👍🏻

Again now that I finished the chapter thank you all so so so much for 110k reads!!!

I love you all so much!

Favourite holiday you celebrate?
(Mines Christmas. :) )

Bye bye!

Remember I love you all!

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