Chapter 12 (Tackling)

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"Think about it." Clay told Allie as he smiled and turned away, closing the door behind him. He had explained to Allie that Tommy and the others, saying Tommy because it was mostly him, had been saying stuff in the direction of kids and especially daughters. That he might want to at some point make the announcement if Allie agreed to it.

She however still wasn't sure and told him she would think about it. Which had definitely made him smile, as usually she straight off said no. This time she hadn't.

"You'll think about it?" Nick said, peering through the crack of her door, after opening it.

"Yes, but no promises." Allie winked jokingly. Sapnap chuckled and left the room. Happy she was openly minded this time.


"What'cha making?" Tommy questioned looking at what Allie had in her hands.

"Chocolate cake." she replied simply reading the ingredients.

Tommy dipped his finger into the batter, trying to not get Allie to notice, with however no luck.

„Tommy!" she yelled, pushing him away.

„Hey! It's just a dip!" he yelled back. Quickly he went and grabbed her, picking her up from the floor and running around the living room and kitchen space.

„Tommy put me down!" Allie screeched.

„Absolutely not!" he rebelled, falling to the ground and starting to tickle her. The house, woken up by the loud noise. Went to check what it was.

However not surprised, when they saw Allie and Tommy tackling each other on the floor, kicking and acting like siblings. No one had expected them to become the sibling duo. But being two only children, did seem to affect the friendship.

„I will kill you!" she yelled chasing him up the stairs.

„Who's going to finish the cake?" Tubbo pouted. He did really want some chocolate cake at that moment.

„Yeah, I want some." Ranboo agreed with Tubbos statement.

„I'll finish it." Niki offered.

„Do you think Tommy's still alive?" Fundy questioned. Looking up the staircase, to hear screams from the level above.

„Absolutely not." Clay replied. Laughing at the sounds. Niki went to finish the cake. Everyone was now awake and quite happy, even though they didn't sleep too long. They all ate a piece of cake once it was done and enjoyed the later afternoon together. Most of it was spent eating and playing games. Not that anyone was complaining.


Hello my lovelies!

New update! 

Thank you all so much for 20k Reads that's insane!!

I would also like to mention that even though I wasn't there at the time of the event. My heart goes out to all of those affected by 9/11, which happened 20 years ago.

I hope you all had a good day and if it wasn't the greatest I hope tomorrow gets better!

Disney, Pixar or nickelodeon?

I love you all!



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