Chapter 7 („THATS COOL!")

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The girl gave a soft smile, to the many faces giving her stares.

„Good to know you made it all. No one was forgotten I hope?" she smiled looking up at her dad.

„Nope, everyone's here. Nick and I'll show them their rooms. If we need extra space you mind sharing? Different beds of course." Clay laughed.

Allie chuckled, shaking her head. The group followed each other upstairs.

„Ok George you'll be with me and Nick, in my room. Wilbur and Fundy you're in Nicks room. Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo get the guest room. Niki you're with Allie." Clay directed them all to their respective rooms.

The group split up, unpacking their things for the next couple of months. They all collected themselves in the kitchen.

A warm smell of delicious food filling their noses.

„Whatcha making?" Sapnap yelled over the noise.

Allie laughed at his volume in tone.

She quickly matched his enthusiastic tone:"Bolognese and Cookies!"



The group laughed at the antics of the two. Not knowing what else to say. The two clearly had a strong bond. It shined over the whole room.


„Can you all lay the table? Dad you do cutlery. Blonde dude, you're doing bowls! All brunettes do drinks! Only girl, who I suppose is Niki, napkins please!" she yelled instructions to everyone.

Everyone obliged. However Tommy seemed to not get the memo that for Bolognese you need bowls and not plates.

„Blonde dude!-"

„My name's Tommy!" he yelled back.

„Ok Tommy! We need bowls! Not plates! We're eating BOLOGNESE NOT FAJITAS!"

(A/N: did I spell that right? I hope so)

„SORRY BOSS!" he yelled back. Sending the room into another fit of giggles. Everyone seemed to be getting along with Allie. Which Clay was very happy about as that was the number 1 thing he was worried about.

After dinner the group started playing Mariokart on the switch. Everyone taking a seat, on the sofa, in the living room.

Slowly everyone went and dispersed back to their rooms. Allie smiled as she walked past her dad, who had an arm wrapped around George.


Hello my lovelies!

Favourite type of chocolate or sweet?——>

Don't judge the chapter to harshly, it was written on my phone. 😅

Have a nice rest of the day and remember I love you all!


It's insane.


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