Chapter 27 (Look Who's Back)

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"Ay Tommy! Alls!" Tubbo yelled from the other side of the road.

"Tubs!" the duo yelled over and quickly ran over the road, once the traffic light was green.

They threw each other into a tight hug, at the big air bnb, which Clay had rented, stood Clay with Nick and Wilbur.

"Guys!" Allie clambered out of the hug and ran over to the three men, leaning against the building.

"Hey squirt." Clay hugged his daughter and laughed as she started complaining about the nickname he had given her at the age of 3.

"Why don't I get a hug?" Nick pouted and Allie quickly gave him a tight hug. He took her into his embrace and laughed at how she looked like she would sleep again.

"Alright let's go inside! We've got dinner ready!" Wilbur yelled and everyone followed him into the kitchen.

"Curry. From the curry shop down the road." he explained.

"Oo sounds good." Allie smiled and took some food.

Clay looked down as his phone buzzed and checked what had been sent to him. It was the travel group chat. He opened the chat to see texts from everyone who hadn't arrived yet.

(Who's who:
Cat Woman—> Niki
Funds Man—> Fundy
Green Bean—> Dream/Clay
Panda Man—> SapNap/Nick
Accidental Surprise—> Allie/Alvara
Purple Man—> Purpled (A/N: I can't be bothered to call him Purpled, so he'll be called Purp or whatever short forms I come up with.)


Travel Peeps

Funds Man
I'll be at the airport tomorrow at 9am.

Cat Woman
I'll be there at around 1pm.

Green Bean
We'll pick all of you up on time.
Just wait at the main entrance.

Cat Woman
Sounds good!

Funds Man
I'll be waiting.

Purple Man
Can you get me at 6pm?

Panda Boy

Purple Man
Come on man.

Accidental Surprise
Just pick him up.

Panda Man
You can't tell me what to do.

Green Bean
But I can. We'll get you don't worry.

Purple Man
Thanks man.

Panda Man
Not fair.

Real life:

"It is fair." Clay looked over to Nick. He looked up from his phone screen and halted at the other man.

"No it's not." He replied again.

Allie sighed: "He needs to get here somehow. Just because he beat you at bedwars, doesn't make him evil."

"Yes, it does."

"No it does not. I'll come pick everyone one up with you." Allie told her dad, after finishing her curry.

"Sounds good, anyone else?" he looked around the table. No one put their hand up, so they all just went to bed. Though Tommy stayed up as he lost a bet against Tubbo, meaning he had to clean the dishes.


Hello my lovelies!

This chapter annoys me, but I had to make it work somehow. So enjoy I guess?

I thought I saw a fox before... it was a cat. Don't ask.

Also I thank you all and love you all so much!

Also I thank you all and love you all so much!

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This is one of the comments I chose to show from. <3

Favourite fruit?



Edit: Would you guys be interested in a discord?

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