26 is not a kid, tony

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Hi! I'm elliot! Thanks for checkin this out! 
-eventual smut & a lot of sexual tension build up
-your name is Talia in this! (I realized months later that it's also a nickname for Natasha... oops.
-also classic avengers tower stuff. we've got Peter, Clint, Nat Wanda, Steve, Thor, Pepper, Bruce, Tony, and OC (Talia aka You)
-talia (you) has teleportation/portal powers  <3


"Hey Jarvis, call everyone in for a team meeting." Tony says as he walks into the main common area with Pepper hot on his tail. His fresh appearance made the ginger smile, taking in how excited he was for the upcoming team meeting. She didn't think the others would take it too well, but she loved to see a smile on his face. 

"Ok, I just want to make sure one more time that you genuinely think this is a good idea, Tony. Remember that everyone is tired from the Sokovia Reconstruction Project and that we've never really done team bonding things before." Pepper began as she sat to await the team's arrival. 

Tony finished pouring a drink, soaking in the sun lowering on the horizon. "Pepper," He replied enthusiastically. "That's exactly why we need this! Everyone needs a break. And, you said it yourself- we are long overdue for some team bonding. Especially with the new kids." He joined his partner on the couch with his drink.

"Yes, but it's pretty obvious to everyone that Talia and Peter have been fitting in alright. I mean Thor is in love with the web head and both Wanda and Natasha have been so kind to Talia. You saw the way they showed her the ropes in Sokovia."

"Right, but Peter has hardly had time to be a real avenger without having to worry about school and Talia has only has one mission under her belt! I think this vacation will be perfect for everyone... it will be just what we need." He smirked, planting a kiss on Pepper's cheek.

"Okay. I trust you." She smiles and leans on him, a pause entering the conversation. Tony looked at her.

"Did you not trust me before?" He mocked and she giggled.

"At least if the team doesn't want to go on a vacation, much less relax, I really hope you're right in assuming that it will help Talia fit in." She sighed.

"Didn't you just say that you trusted me?" He messes with Pepper again, starting to hear voices down the hall.

"Oh my Gods. Shut up, here they come." She sits up as the rest of the team enters the common area.

Bruce enters first with Clint who now has a fresh bandage on his upper arm, the two of them arriving from the med bay apparently. Thor, Steve and Pietro also enter, followed by Natasha and Wanda, who were whispering about something before sitting down with everyone else. The last two people needed were You and Peter, but you were nowhere to be seen.

"Alright, where are the kids?" Tony sarcastically rolled his eyes in await for a response from someone.

"Their not kids, Tony. Peter is, what... 20? and Talia is 26?" Steve chimes in, trying to defend the two of you. 

"They're kids, Steve." Tony replied.

Natasha and Wanda locked eyes.

"26 is not a kid, Tony." Bruce looks confused, searching for reactions from anyone else.

"I agree with Dr. Banner." Wanda slightly smiles, but for her own reasons other than pissing off Tony. People murmured in agreement.

Tony breathes to retort, but all of a sudden, two voices are heard in the hall, yours included.

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