oh, she's having a ton of fun

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"ALRIGHT, AVENGERS." Tony stood at the front of the bus like a tour guide as you all pulled into the upstate campus, which made you internally giggle. "We will only be here for fifteen minutes! It used to be thirty but you all were late this morning! Bucky and Sam will be joining us here, but everyone needs to be ready for the bus over to the landing strip and sitting with their asses back in these seats in a quarter of an hour." His voice projected everywhere, and you made a mental note to tease him about it later.

Some people decided not to leave the bus, but you didn't want to miss your last snack and fancy bathroom opportunity for the next two weeks.

"Hey Nat, I'm gonna grab Peter and raid the kitchen. You and Wanda wanna join?" You asked as you slipped on your dino pack. She pondered your question, debating between letting you have your time with Peter or spending more time with him. "C'mon! Prove to him you're not a pill and that you know how to have fun." You said, teasing her, hoping to get her to join in.

"I know how to have fun!" She exclaimed as you mockingly rolled your eyes.

"I don't believe you." You bent down to whisper in her ear, and she gasped, jokingly offended by your words. In a rush, she lunged to hug your waist and throw you over her shoulder.

"This is is fun, right? I'm having fun. Are you having fun?" She smirked, carrying you down the isles of the motorcoach.

"Put me down, Natasha!" You laughed and smiled endlessly, enjoying the moment.

"Nope. I'm having fun, Talia." She said slowly as she arrived at Wanda and Peter's feet. "Hey Wanda, Peter." The two of them looked up at you and Natasha, laughing. "Talia here suggested a kitchen raid, so are you two joining?"

"Absolutely." The Sokovian replied, stepping into the aisle.

"What would a vacation be without a pre-travel kitchen raid?" Peter added, joining Wanda as they followed you and Nat out of the bus.

"So Talia," You did your best to look up while you were still over Nat's shoulder when Wanda addressed you. "You having fun up there?"

"Oh, she's having a ton of fun, Wanda," Nat smirked.

"Are you having fun, Natasha?"

"Oh, way more fun than Talia is having. I'm loving this."

"Ok haha. I get it you can put me down now." You said as you started to get uncomfortable in the odd position.

"Whatever you say, Princess." You rolled your eyes again as she set you down but briefly pulled her ear down to your lips.

"I had fun too." You smiled as Natasha shivered.

"Alright team," you turned, now addressing everyone. "What are we on the hunt for today?"

"Twizzlers." Wanda immediately responded.

"Ok... Twizzlers are on the list... anything else?" You were a little surprised by her forwardness.

"I kinda just wanna see what is here." Peter shrugged as you all finally reached the door, stepping inside and striding towards the kitchen.

"Alright, sounds like a plan." You high-fived him.


Twelve minutes later, you were back in your seat with Wanda and an entire bag of food on your lap.

You had opened a bag of goldfish, and now you were peacefully snacking and making headway on the short drive to the landing strip. You also found a bag of chips and cherries, as well as some pretzels and chocolates. Wanda had said that she wanted to save her Twizzlers for later, so those were in the bag along with a few other good finds. Peter had his own bag in the back with Natasha, but you weren't too sure what he had grabbed.

please, go all the way (wandanat x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now