lay off the suggestive sex... thanks

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You immediately lunged for Wanda's lips, finding them instantaneously. Her kiss was strong with soft lips, and all you wanted to do was melt into the connection. Natasha reached to cup the closer side of your face, and when you break for air, you lock eyes with the other woman before reaching in to kiss her too. Natasha was more gentle than Wanda, but your thoughts were either blasting or non-existent. It didn't matter, though, because you couldn't focus on them.

Wanda brings her hand over your shoulder and down your spine, then slowly up your loose t-shirt. The skin-on-skin contact makes you shiver as you climb on Natasha, pinning her down on the bed. You run kisses from the base of her ear to her collarbone, pulling at the skin just to leave a small mark, eliciting a small hum out of the assassin.

You sit back up over Natasha's hips to reach back to Wanda's jawline, pulling her in for another deep kiss. Using one hand, you reach to massage Natasha's chest, and with the other, you slip it under Wanda's top and up around her back to pull her closer.

Natasha lifts a thigh to put friction on your center, inevitably causing you to moan into the Sokovian's mouth. You return your lips and hands back to Natasha while Wanda works to slip off your shirt.

With your shirt now off, everyone takes a moment to stare at you. You begin to feel shy, pulling your arms to cover your body.

"Don't", Wanda says, standing behind you at the base of the bed. She wraps her arms around you to re-expose your image.

"You're stunning." Natasha nearly whispers, causing you to deeply blush. Wanda's lips connect with the top of your shoulder and Nat's hands scale your thighs and ass, and you groan. Your own hands find their way under the assassin's top, but that's when Wanda unclips your bra.

"Wait", You almost shout, and Wanda re-clips your garment while Natasha slips her hands off of you.

"What is it, Talia?" Wanda says quietly, both her and Nat a little nervous.

"I just- um- this- this is a lot for one night. I-" You pause. "Don't get me wrong, everything is amazing, i'm amazing... you both are... incredible... but I need- i need a second to process before.. uhh before I get too carried away." You blush and roll off of Natasha, hiding your face in your hands from embarrassment.

"That's ok, Talia. We understand." Nat pats your knee, giving a soft smile.

"We honestly didn't expect to get this far, so we are just happy that you want to be a part of our relationship", Wanda adds.

"I- I really am sorry- I- I got you all worked up and let you down and I-" Your words jumble as you slip your t-shirt back on, trying to ignore the embarrassment you were experiencing. 

"Hey," The assassin interrupts. "You did not let us down, baby." You blush at the pet name. "And we have our own ways of working off what you worked up, so don't you worry about that." She smirked, watching your wide-eyed reactions. Wanda laughed at that, grabbing your hand to playfully kiss your knuckles.

"We can just spend time together these next two weeks, but whenever you want to get more intimate, you let us know, Talia. Take your time." Wanda spoke softly while reaching for Natasha's hand to help her stand up.

"Ok. I like that." You smiled. "In the meantime... goodnight I guess? I don't really want to kick you both out but I clearly still have a bit of packing to do..." you glanced around at the messy room.

"That's alright, Talia. So do we." Wanda laughed.

"Would it be acceptable though if we got a goodnight kiss?" Nat requested softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. 

please, go all the way (wandanat x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now