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"Can I ask an odd question?" You said, the three of you lying on a blanket at the dark beach, staring up at the stars. You laid in the middle of the two women; Natasha was on your left and Wanda was on your right.

"Of course, Talia," Wanda replied, and the two of you locked a gaze for a moment.

"Wanda... with the mind-reading thing... you don't always do that, right?" A shooting star raced across the sky, and you smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"Like... you don't just... read my mind whenever, right? How do I know my privacy rights with you?" It came out a little more offensive than you wanted it to, but nonetheless, you wondered.

"Natasha actually had the same question that you did when we started dating." The Sokovian spoke as you looked at the woman on your left, who just continued to gaze at the stars. "So I'll tell her what I told you."


"I will never read your mind unless it's a concern of your safety or life, or if you ask me to. Otherwise, as someone I respect and am expected to trust, your thoughts are your own, and they always will be." She grabbed your hand and you held on.

"Natasha, have you ever asked Wanda to... you know..."

"Once. It was when I started opening up to her. Telling her about my past... my family..." The ex-assassin looked at you with sincerity.

"You have a family?" It jumped out of your mouth faster than you expected it to, hoping that Nat wouldn't take any offense to it. "Sorry, I don't mean to-"

"No, babygirl, it's fine. I think it's time I started opening up to you anyways." You smiled.

"Only if you're ready."

"I am." She returned the grin. "I actually asked Wanda to watch a memory. I couldn't bring myself to talk about her back then, so Wanda just watched." Her eyes returned to the stars.

"Talk about who?"

"My sister. Yelena." Nat now grabbed your hand too. "I was put on an assignment with her in Ohio when I was a kid in the Red Room. It was a fake family, but it was real to me. And it was only for a few years... but it was the best part of my life."

"Do you know what happened to her?" You said with hope.

"Uhh... no." She sighed. "I destroyed the Red Room, though, so I hope she's off living a better life." The avenger returned her gaze to the stars.

"Well, maybe you should find her one day. Meet up and say hi."

Natasha looked at you, but you couldn't get behind what she was thinking.

"Thank you, Talia, Maybe I will. It's nice to have a fresh opinion every now and then." You smiled, and the three of you returned to silence. It wrapped around you like a comforting blanket as you watched the stars, the two women cuddling into your sides.

It didn't last too long, though.

"Talia?" Wanda almost whispered, and you found her eyes again. "Peter uhh... he said something that he probably wasn't supposed to... but he let it slip... and I... we... wanted to ask..."

You nodded, acknowledging Peter's inability to keep a secret, but also curious as to what he said.

"Only if you want to elaborate of course," she continued, "but he said that he was the reason you got your powers..."

Her words made you pause for a brief moment, but you quickly rolled your eyes at Peter. "It's not his fault. Don't let him tell you that, please. It's entirely my own fault because I chose to partake in his shenanigans one day."

You took a deep breath and then began to tell the story. "Peter was just excited to have someone who he could share his secret with. He loved taking me out to swing in the city, to hang with the Avengers at the tower, even to a few of Tony's parties, where I initially met the two of you, but you probably don't remember."

Natasha looked up in shock, but Wanda just smirked.

"I do remember the first time I met you, but I guess that story is for later." Wanda urged you to continue on.

"Anyways, he invited me on a training weekend upstate one day, and of course I said yes. And as the two of us do, we goof off. We were in Tony's lab, easy access, might I add... but we were in Tony's lab, and for some unexplainable reason, he had left the space stone out... you know, the spear one. He was running tests on it, I believe. I didn't know what is was, so I touched it and got shit-lucky that I didn't die."

You paused, but only momentarily.

"Peter blames the entire situation on himself. We never should've been in there, and it never would've happened if he didn't invite me. But I'm the one who wasn't thinking. So I guess you could say it's my fault. Or you can blame Peter. Or Tony. Or nobody, and move past it like I did." You shrugged, feeling the gaze of the two women.

"I think I'm going to talk to Tony abo-" Nat spoke up, but you interrupted.

"Don't. - Sorry, that was abrupt. But don't bother him about it. He knows what he did and he's learned. Please just- take my suggestion and move on?"

A hard look passed through the assassin's eyes, but eventually it softened. "Alright." She sighed. "I trust you." This made you smile.

"Thank you." You squeezed her hand and grinned, but in return Natasha leaned in to your face, asking for a kiss. Her closeness caught you off guard, but you eased into her presence and fulfilled her request gently. It still felt as if it was your first kiss with her; the energy and excitement of it all.

Her hand cupped it's way behind your head to further the kiss, but now you also felt Wanda filling the room behind you as she pressed her body onto the back of yours. Her hand cascaded down your outer thigh as her lips met the back of your head.

You shivered, turning to face Wanda. "And thank you as well," you said as she leaned into your lips, gladly meeting hers in gratitude and care.

Your first few moments of bliss were gentle and intimate; slow, feather-like touches and careful kisses, but those moments soon became desperate and hungry. Something rolled in your stomach as Wanda pushed her body into yours and Natasha's hands ignited your skin. You groaned into the Sokovian's mouth when Nat's lips found the base of your neck, and you finally came to terms with the inability to hold back any longer.

A heavy breath escaped your body as hands roamed and mouths lingered. "Fuck," you whispered and the touches slowed.

"Is this ok, Talia?" Your toes curled hearing the accent. "Talia?"

"Gods- yes. Fuck, yes. I've tried so hard to hold back and be patient- but- Shit, Wanda," She looked at you with smug curiosity. "Natasha?" She ran a hand down your side. "I want the two of you to fuck me senseless." The two women looked at each other, both slightly shocked. "Please."

1029 words // semi-edited


(this will be finished! 100% confident)

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