the ladies plus peter

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After what felt like hours (but was probably only 20 minutes), everyone was finally off of the plane and split between the three cars that you all were supposed to have for your vacation.

You managed to get a window seat, but peter ended up with the middle and Wanda on the other side. Pietro took the open shotgun and Nat was asked to drive, and now you were all squished in the car, on the way over to the bridge.

"So," Pietro started. "Wanda got Natasha and Talia? I'm impressed, sister." A grin tugged at his lips while everyone sat in shock. The silence was thick, and you were desperate for someone to break it. Even Peter looked nervous, but you knew that he would never tell anyone. The three of us weren't being that obvious, were we?

"Oh, come on," He mocked. "I'm your brother, Wanda. I notice things. I didn't think anyone else caught on though, you three were acting rather normal for all being in a relationship, though. But you never know! It's only day one, I'm pretty sure, so you all better watch yourselves." Pietro smirked.

"Thank you, brother, for looking out for me." Wanda sarcastically grumbled. "I didn't know you cared about my private life." He laughed.

"Of course I care, sister. Did Peter know about this, though? I would feel a little bad if he didn't."

" No- yeah... yeah I uhh- I knew. Yep. I knew." Peter nearly whispered next to you.

"Oh ok, that's good. That could have been really awkward."

"Yeah..." You managed to push out.

"So Talia," He started again, wishing the only thing he could do would be to shut up. You briefly thought about portaling out of the car and into one of the others, but you didn't want to leave everyone else at the will of Pietro. "How did the two of them ask you? Was it really awkward? Did my sister get shy? "Did Natasha get all flustered and soft?" The assassin and the witch glared at him, but he paid no mind. The two of them were obviously getting annoyed with Pietro's behavior, so you decided to do something about it.

"Actually, Pietro, it was really sweet." You smirked and you could feel everyone's eyes on you, even Natasha who was taking quick glances into the rearview mirror. "Yeah no, when they actually asked me to join their relationship, I didn't believe them at first. I thought they were fucking with me because I had been crushing on them for so long. Turns out, in Wanda's exact words, 'We're not fucking with you, Talia, we just want to fuck you.' really romantic shit if you ask me." Wanda's cheeks were bright red, but at least she was smirking. The boys looked uncomfortable, Pietro most importantly. You could apologize to Peter later.

"Oh yeah, Dude. No, your sister also has really talented fingers too, coming from someone who's seen them in action. She got Nat down hard. It was hot." You caught Natasha's wink in the mirror. "Yeah she called me a 'good girl' as she watched me cum too... her cunt tastes really good, Pietro. I'm sure she could say the same thing about mine." You finished your speech with a shit-eating grin.

"Forget I asked." The speedster turned back in his seat, not daring to make eye contact with you. You looked over to Peter and mouthed an "I'm sorry", but he just awkwardly shrugged it off.

"It's fine. It was worth it." He mouthed back, still obviously uncomfortable, but with a small smile on his face. You wanted to laugh but didn't want to interrupt the new silence as you continued on your drive to the bridge.

You noticed another bridge on the way, imagining that went to a bigger island in the area. There was a lot of traffic around it, so you assumed there was something else to go and check out later.

A little further down the coastal road, a mini-golf course drew your attention. You made a mental note, wanting to check that out later too.

The coolest thing though was the bridge. It had its own gate near the entrance, which all three cars had clickers for.

please, go all the way (wandanat x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now