they make you feel special?

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With one quick glance between Natasha and Wanda, you were being dragged to the bathrooms on the plane to watch them fuck. You three almost jogged up to the door in anticipation, but the two other women paused before entering.

"Are you positive about this, Talia?" Wanda asked.

"One hundred percent. Let's just say I wanna know what I'm getting into." You smirked. Honestly, you're not too sure what made you ask them if you could watch, but you knew that you were excited. You also knew that this would leave you hot and bothered after, but you couldn't find a care to give.

In a rush, Wanda opened the bathroom door. The space was thankfully a bit larger than a regular airplane bathroom, but not by much. You were pushed over to sit on top of the closed toilet seat, and Wanda immediately backed Natasha up against the door once it shut, already finding each other's lips and softly moaning into the other.  Their tongues met quickly, and the heated make-out session found its way to your core.

The Sokovian didn't waste any time in unbuttoning Nat's shorts and slipping her hand under the jean fabric. You watched as she reacted to Wanda's touch, envious of the pleasure that the two of them were receiving from one another. The women pulled off of each other's lips and Wanda found a patch of skin to suck on just below Natasha's collar.

You could tell the moment when Wanda shoved two fingers into Natasha as the assassin let go of a muffled moan. Your clit was throbbing as you watched the Sokovian slowly work her way in and out of the red-head. You could hear how wet she was, and now you really took notice of how turned on you were.

Natasha mustered her own strength to push Wanda's sweatpants and underwear off of her hips while her fingers were still torturously slow at work, but you gulped when you saw Wanda's lost articles of clothing collect at her ankles. Natasha grabbed one of the Sokovian's thighs and pulled it up to her hip, trying to get the woman as close to her as possible.

You watched Wanda's fingers speed up as Natasha's tips roamed as much surface area as possible. They went everywhere from the base of Wanda's neck down to her ass and around her thighs, and more and more of you wished that you could be feeling those things too.

"Wanda..." Natasha breathed as she slipped in two of her fingers into the other woman. The two of them released an equally arousing sound, and you couldn't help but place your hand at the waistband of your cargo pants.

You quietly gasped. "Quiet, you two. Would hate to wake anyone up." You spoke filthily.

And with that, Natasha came. Knowing that you did that to her, your hand found its way down below your belt line beneath the fabric.

Natasha caught you out of the corner of her eye. "Talia..." She softly groaned.

She picked Wanda up and placed her onto the sink top, making sure the Sokovian could see you finger yourself and that you could see her soaked pussy. You bit down on your lip, mouth-watering, trying not to act out. Your other hand got your fingers to circle your center, spreading your wetness around to slick everything up.

You made direct eye contact with Wanda as you found your clit, deeply inhaling from the sensitivity. Before you knew it, Wanda was arching her back off of the wall and releasing a sinful moan. That was when you decided to push two fingers into yourself. You groaned as Natasha and Wanda both regained their senses and turned to watch you fuck yourself.

You started slow, but once you knew you had their full attention, you picked up the speed of your pumps, occasionally rubbing out your clit.

"Good girl, Talia." Wanda heavily hushed, pulling her clothes back up off of her ankles and leaning back on the sink for support.

please, go all the way (wandanat x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now