a little bit longer

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You stared at yourself in the mirror, entirely overthinking the situation at hand. The only thing that Natasha and Wanda had told you about the date was that you should dress like you're at the beach, and you honestly had no idea what that meant. They refused to give you any more details or answer any questions. It could be cute beach, sand beach, t-shirt beach, no-air-conditioning beach, dressy beach... You decided to go with a black bikini under jean shorts and an old button-up, hoping it would suffice. You still found yourself staring at your reflection though as you second-guessed all of your wardrobe decisions, somehow finding the courage to finally leave the bathroom and not turn back.

You honestly had no reason to be nervous for this date whatsoever. You hadn't really gone on a private outing with them before, but it couldn't be any different than just hanging out with the two women, right? In Sokovia, you three shared random moments throughout the days, constantly being assigned on tasks with each other. There was most often an objective or separate goal at hand when you had spent time with them previously, except for the moments when you were unintentionally in the same spot at the same time.

Now, the three of you had very intentionally set aside time just to be together. So, nothing to be nervous about. A part of you worried that the provided private time would lead to nothing to talk about and awkward silences, but another side was excited for those moments when you could only stare into their eyes.

A knock was heard at your door that pulled you out of your thoughts, and that was when your heart started to pick up a little bit. You quickly threw on your shoes and placed your hand on the knob, taking one more deep breath before pulling the door open. You smiled.

Wanda was standing in front with Natasha hugging her waist from behind and resting her chin on the Sokovian's shoulder. They both had a big grin on their face, and you blushed.


The women giggled at your shyness. "Are you ready, Talia?" Wanda almost whispered, and you nodded. The two of them were dressed similarly to you, thankfully, so you know you didn't over or underdress. You didn't see them with any swimsuits, but you didn't want to waste any time changing out of it.

"Let's go." You said as you grabbed their hands and headed towards the stairs.

"Would anyone care to share any more details about tonight?" You raised an eyebrow as they led you out to the car.

"No... not really..." Natasha smirked as she opened the back door for you. "You're officially on the date, anyways. No more secrets to keep." She winked and you frowned.

"Right..." You sarcastically rolled your eyes.

"Don't like secrets?" Wanda mocked in the passenger's seat, and you scoffed.

"Not one bit. They're like teasing yourself and then getting interrupted before you can finish."

The two of them let out the biggest laughs you'd ever heard from them, and part of you knew that you would never want to lose that sound in your life. But you weren't ready to listen to that voice yet... or at least that's what you told yourself. It's only been a month, I'm not supposed to be thinking like this...

"That is the most oddly accurate analogy I have ever heard, Tal," Natasha smiled, starting up the car and making her way out the driveway.

"Thank you, Nat. But if you agree with me, why won't you spill the beans?" She thought over an answer.

"Let's just say I wanna edge you for a little bit longer, babygirl." She smirked into the rearview mirror, and you gulped.

"Now that is an analogy that I like," Wanda added, suggestively placing a hand on Nat's thigh.

please, go all the way (wandanat x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now