it made you look desperate

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You finally placed the last of your clothes into your dresser, relieved that unpacking didn't take too long. You rolled up your duffle and tossed it into an empty drawer just before you heard a knock at your door.

"Hey, Peter, what's up?'' You turned to face him as you sat on the bed, patting the spot next to you.

"Woah, neat balcony," He said, taking a quick glance over before taking a seat. "I just wanted to give you a heads up that Tony and I are headed into town to pick up lunch if you had any special requests."

"Oh, where are you two gonna go?"

"I think Tony just wanted to do a shopping spree at the grocery store, and I saw a Piggly Wiggly on the way in, so I'm assuming we will go there. Pick up sandwich stuff, or something."

"Neat-o. Some cherries would be awesome. I ran out of my stash on the plane." You smiled as he laughed at you.

"That's it?"

"Yeah. Surprise me," You rolled your eyes.

"Whatever you say, your majesty," he replied as he stood up to leave.

"Wait, Peter,"

He paused and turned around to face you, propping himself up in the doorway.

"Thank you," you sheepishly grinned, accepting how happy you were at that moment in time.

"Of course, Talia." He left the room, but you didn't notice him turn to check on Natasha and Wanda's door.

Peter hesitated before knocking but found the courage to do so after taking one quick glance back to your room.

"Hey, Peter, to what do we owe this visit?" Wanda said slightly surprised as she opened the door. He walked in to see Natasha sitting in the middle of the bed off to the left and the Sokovian seemed to be in the middle of unpacking her bag.

He knew why he wanted to stop by, but now that he was there, the words weren't too enthusiastic about leaving his mouth.

"Tony and I are going to the Piggly Wiggly. Any requests?" The two were a little shocked since he seemed so worked up about the conversation, but didn't want to make him any more uncomfortable by asking any questions.

"Uhh, nope." Nat popped her P. "Not that I can think of." She smiled over her confusion, and the witch shook her head.

"Uhh- al- alright!" Peter slowly turned around and attempted to make an exit. "So about Talia," He spun around, finding the courage to address the reason that he was there in the first place. The two women immediately looked at him.

"What is it, Peter?"Nat asked.

"Uhh... just... take care of her, yeah?"

"Of course, Peter..." Wanda replied, confused but honest. He took a deep breath.

"The back scratches aren't just something that she likes, they also help calm her down. Don't force her to go anywhere alone, especially if she invites you or suggests that you join her. She gets nervous around too many unfamiliar things. And never wake her up from a nightmare. Just hold her close and find a comforting motion..." He took a breath. "I hold Talia's hand all the time so that when she's in a nightmare, I can hold her hand and she knows that it's me. Find something like that. And as she opens up to you, don't be afraid to ask her questions. She wants to open up to you two, but asking her questions tells her that you care in the first place. You care, right?" His hands were fidgeting with each other and he couldn't seem to meet the eyes of the women in front of him.

"God, Peter," Nat breathed. "Of course we care. Of course, we care. More than anything, we want to be important people in her life." She paused.

"Peter, we know that you are the most important person to Talia, and we know that you happily reciprocate any and all of that love, but what brought this on?" Wanda tilted her head.

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