Shave-a Da Face

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The next morning Cat woke the girls up by throwing pillows at them. Jade groaned and rubbed her eyes. She chucked a pillow back at Cat, angrily. Jade noticed she and Tori were laying pretty close together, their sleeping bags were touching and Tori's hair was spread out on her blanket. Jade sat up quickly, she was surprised. They must've moved even closer together when they were sleeping.

Tori woke up after Cat throw another pillow directly on her head.

"Good morning!" Cat squealed. "Let's go get waffles!" She said, running out of the room.

Jade and Tori exchanged tired glances.

"That wasn't a very pleasant awakening." Tori groaned.

Time skip

"Are we still going to the mall at 11?" Jade asked, she took a sip of water.

"No, Robbie and I are gonna go to Nozu!" Cat replied happily.

"I thought we were all gonna go shopping?!" Tori complained, "That's why I asked my mom for forty dollars!"

"Why don't you and Jade just go?" Cat asked.

Tori glared at Jade who just shrugged and ate her breakfast, as of Cat didn't say anything. Tori groaned, "Ugh, Jade hates shopping!"

"Woah woah, Vega, I never said I hated shopping. I don't hate shopping, I just hate the mall," Jade explained, with a slightly harsh tone in her voice. "It's full of annoying little girls screaming about clothes and shit."

Tori rolled her eyes. "Well do you wanna go or not?" She asked annoyed.

"Sure," Jade replied simply. She glanced at Tori who had a slight smile on her face.

"Yay! It's all working out!" Cat squealed. "We're all gonna have so much fun today!" She wiggled around in her seat happily.

Tori felt relieved that Jade wanted to go, she was glad they would get to spend more time together.

Time skip.

Tori and Jade spent a while at the mall, they went through most of the clothing stores, Jade helped Tori pick out a few shirts and made sure she didn't buy anything too ugly. Jade also bought a few things, a tee-shirt, a ring, and lipstick. They both admittedly had fun and enjoyed each other's company despite the occasional disagreement. Tori was thankful that Jade didn't let her buy the black purse she was looking at, it was a lot of money and Tori wouldn't have used it anyway. Jade was also glad that Tori helped her pick out a new lipstick shade.

"Do you wanna come over and rehearse for the play for a while?" Tori asked as they got in the car. "It's only 2:15."

Jade nodded, "Yeah sure. I don't have anything to do."

Tori smiled, she really enjoyed spending time with Jade. It was something she hadn't done very often, Jade was usually a pretty rude person and often refused to even associate with Tori. So Tori happily took advantage of this occasion.

Jade also was having a lot of fun, she refused to admit it. She had always liked spending time with Tori.

Time skip

Jade turned the tv on and browsed through the channels.

"I thought we were gonna rehearse?" Tori asked as she plopped down onto the couch.

Jade shrugged, "The play is stupid. I don't care." She admitted.

Tori rolled her eyes, "Do you want some popcorn or some snacks?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll have some popcorn," Jade said, turning towards Tori. "Do You wanna watch Sweeney Todd? It's a musical."

"Uh sure," Tori replied. "I've never seen it."

I Liked It (Jade x Tori)Where stories live. Discover now