The Scene

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"Hey, Tori!" A familiar voice came from behind her and caught her by surprise.

"Hey, Andre!" She turned to face him.

Andre walked up to Tori's locker, with a smile on his face. "Do you wanna rehearse together after school today?"  He asked, "I think we should really work on the fight scene a few more times."

Tori nodded, "Sure, Trina won't be home so we won't be bothered." She thought about her sister and rolled her eyes.

André gave her a thumbs up, "Ok cool. we could order a pizza or something if you want! I got some extra money from babysitting my cousin."

"Yeah, that sounds good!" Tori agreed, with a smile.

Jade, who was standing at her own locker and listening to the entire conversation, didn't like the idea of André hanging out with Tori. Maybe it was because she knew about his crush on her. She rolled her eyes and slammed her locker door shut.

"Hey, Jade!' Tori greeted her cheerfully, as Jade walked past them.

"What?" Jade asked, stopping in her tracks and crossing her arms. She glared evilly at André.

"Wanna come over and rehearse with André and me tonight?" Tori asked, hoping Jade would say yes.

"You mean, André and I? You said André and me, which isn't proper grammar." Jade explained, avoiding the question.

Jade glanced at André who was looking dreamily at Tori, it made her sick. He stared at her with his brown eyes, not once turning to face Jade. Jade felt her face getting hot, why did that affect her so much? André had always been obsessed with Tori, wanting to do duets with her, or spend time with her. Jade often found herself jealous of their friendship.

"I can't," She lied. "But you guys have fun." Jade said bluntly. She quickly walked away to avoid the conversation.

She did want to spend time with Tori, but André would be hogging her the whole time, with his corny songwriting or his stupid jokes. Jade once again was jealous of André. She stared at the floor as she walked down the hallway. What if Tori liked André back? What if Tori and Andre spent the night cuddled on the couch too, what if Jade wasn't special and Tori did the same thing with everyone?

Jade felt her head spinning, why did she feel so jealous? She hated being jealous.

Time skip rehearsal

"I want you and André to kiss." Sikowitz explained, "you don't have to right now but I'd like you to practice sometime."

Tori gulped, of course, a stage kiss. Of course, it had to be André. Her best friend, she was 99% sure he had a crush on her. To make things more awkward, Jade and everyone else have to stand and watch them. 

André looked chill as always, he smiled slightly at Tori, showing no sense of the same nervousness Tori had been feeling.

Tori didn't know how to react, she could be completely disgusted and hurt Andre's feelings, or she could pretend that she wanted to kiss him and make him think that she liked him. Either way, she would have to kiss André.

Tori glanced at Jade, who sat there, her angry eyes stared at her script. Even more jealousy filled her mind. She just knew that André would be begging her to practice the kissing scene, she could feel it. Maybe she should have agreed to go to Tori's house. But it was too late now.

They continued rehearsal, Jade avoided Tori as much as she could, not out of jealousy but more out of just annoyance. Blowing up at Tori now would ruin everything. Tori didn't notice, she focused on André. He would laugh at her unfunny jokes, he'd watch as she practiced her lines and he found every chance he could to talk to her. André was so clearly into her.

Time skip.

Tori threw her bag on the couch. "What do you want to work on first?" She asked as she pulled her script book out of her bag.

"What about that kiss scene?" André said, in a joking tone.

Tori knew he wasn't joking and rolled her eyes, "How about no." She plopped down on the couch, "why don't we work on something we actually need to practice?"

André sighed, "But the fight scene is so much work!" He complained.

"That's why we should practice!" Tori added.

"I still think we should do that kiss scene," André replied. "it's good practice."

"Maybe afterward." Tori gave in. She didn't want André to feel bad.

André opened his script and began reading through his lines. The scene was complicated and filled with drama which made it difficult. Tori tried her best to focus on the script instead of watching André. What if she secretly did like him? He was her best friend, But did she have feelings for him? She continued reading through the script, pushing those thoughts away.

"Ok, that was good!" Tori grinned, "We just need to remember the order of the dialogue."

André nodded, "I'll work on it. I bet it'll be perfect for the big show."

Tori walked to the kitchen, "Wanna order the pizza now?" She asked.

"You said we could practice kissing." André pointed out. "I think we should do that first so our breaths won't stink."

Tori groaned "Ok."

They opened the script to the apology scene, the kiss is meant to be short but sweet. It wouldn't be too hard to practice if they get right to it.

Tori started the dialogue, already nervous, she felt her stomach twisting. She took a deep breath, it was just a stage kiss.

André however was excited, he read his lines contently."So we kiss right before Jade walks in." he pointed out.

Tori nods. Perfect timing, Jade had to watch them kiss.

André steps closer to Tori, shortening the distance between them and reading his lines Tori took a step too. As she finished her line, she looked up at André, not wanting to make eye contact.

She nodded for approval, André leaned in, her slowly set his lips on Tori. Tori returned the kiss, short and light. They both pulled away. Tori's stomach continued to churn nervously and she looked at the floor, ignoring Andre's eye contact. The kiss felt awkward and weird, unlike kissing Jade. Why was she thinking about Jade so much?

"That was weird." Tori blurted.

Andre shrugged, "I liked it." He chuckled.

Tori smiled awkwardly, still not facing André, "I'm gonna order the pizza now." She stuttered, breaking their eye contact.

As they waited for the pizza, they decided to practice the fight scene one more time. Tori couldn't look André in the eye, It left a bad feeling in her stomach. She took a deep breath, she was just over thinking it.

Once the pizza came, they turned on the tv and sat on the couch, the pizza box sat in between them. They small talked for a while, the awkwardness eventually went away, which made Tori very relieved.

Authors note!!!
I bet y'all hated that. The next chapter has a lot of drama...

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