Jealousy, Jealousy

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Jade plopped her lunch tray down on the table. "They didn't have any coffee." She grumbled. "I'm so tired."

"How much sleep did you get last night?" Robbie asked, eating a French fry.

Jade rolled her eyes, "obviously not much." she replied, she looked more tense than usual.

"I slept 9 hours last night!" Cat squealed.

Jade stabbed her fork in her salad, annoyed at the redheads' perkiness.

Cat took notice of Jade sitting next to Tori, "Did you guys buy anything when you went shopping?" She asked, remembering her absence during their shopping trip.

"Yeah, just a few things." Jade replied, avoiding starting a conversation.

"Oh cool! Did you two have fun?" Cat asked.

Tori glanced at Jade, they made eye contact for a second, "I did!" Tori replied.

Jade turned her focus back to her lunch, not saying anything. She couldn't admit to it, but she did have fun.

"Woah wait, the freak and the princess went shopping together?" Rex, the puppet gasped.

"Cat was supposed to come but she bailed to hang out with four eyes." Jade explained, gesturing to Robbie.

Tori glanced at André, who looked skeptical.

Suddenly, Trina ran up to the table, her loud shoes distracted the group. "Hey guys!" She shrieked, "it turns out my parents won't be home this weekend so I'm throwing a party!" Trina explained.

"Trina you weren't supposed to tell anyone!" Tori groaned. "Besides we can't have anyone over while they're gone."

Trina rolled her eyes, "duh, they're not gonna know if everyone leaves before they get back! Besides, they won't be back until five o'clock on Saturday."

Tori rolled her eyes. "That doesn't mean we can have a party!"

Trina ran to another table to talk to her own friends, ignoring her sister.

"She's a monster!" Tori complained.

Jade glanced at Tori again, "Can I have the rest of your coffee?" She asked simply.

Tori shrugged, she knew how tired Jade "Yeah sure, I only drank a little bit."

Jade grabbed the coffee and took a sip, it was still warm. She smiled slightly at Tori. "Well if there's a party you can count me in." Jade said, quickly changing the subject but still looking at Tori.

Tori smiled back at her, even if she wasn't supposed to have a party, she was glad Jade was coming.

"I'll come." André replied.

"I'll come too!" Cat squealed.

"Me too!" Robbie grinned.

Tori smiled, maybe having a party wasn't such a bad idea.

"One time my brother-" Cat began,

Jade quickly tuned out of Cat's conversatio, "Vega, wanna be partners for the duet thing in class?" Jade asked Tori, as she stole a french fry from her lunch tray.

"Uh yeah sure." Tori smiled slightly, "Do you know what you want to sing?"

Jade shrugged, "I have a few ideas, but we can decide later." She said simply. Truthfully, Jade had no clue what to sing, but she figured Tori would come up with a good duet.

Tori nodded. "We could do Katy Perry?" she suggested.

Jade raised her eyebrows, "Good idea!"

Tori felt her face get hot, they made eye contact. It was weird for Jade to be nice to her, especially in front of other people. Jade continued to stare at her.

I Liked It (Jade x Tori)Where stories live. Discover now