Chapter Two: Arsonists and Firefighters

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General watched Cooter root around underneath KITT's hood, talking to himself as he did. He sorted through the parts confusedly.

"What? What is this? Turbines? Oh, what the hell's this, now?" He held something up that'd come loose, throwing it over his shoulder. "No idea what this is. What's with all these computer systems? Jesus, it's like I'm tryna reach behind the TV. Alright, I think this's what we're lookin' f-oh, nope that ain't it."

"Cooter, c'mon, we gotta get goin'," General rumbled.

Cooter stuck his head out from underneath the hood and pointed a wrench at him. "Hey, don't rush me, it's like lookin' for a needle in a haystack!"

KITT sighed. "It's a small, black, cylindrical component with a little signal symbol on it. It says communications on the bottom in small letters."

"Right, right, small letters, half the things in here look like that and have small letters. What is this? Is this in Chinese?"


Cooter swore under his breath reaching towards the back of the engine hub. He pulled a few wires before finally pulling out the piece KITT had described to him. He set it on the table in front of the cars for KITT to inspect. KITT let down his hood, his scanning light going back and forth quickly.

"It's as I feared, Thunder's electrical shock shorted out my comms system. Even without interference from the storm, I have no way of contacting the Foundation, or anyone for that matter."

"Is there any way to fix it? Maybe obtain a new one?" General asked him.

"Negative. I'd have to go back to the Foundation's home base in Pasadena, however, going back empty-handed might prove problematic."

General sighed. "I'm sorry Thunder did that. I have no idea what's goin' on with him lately, he's just been... off. I don't know what's wrong with him, Christine doesn't know what's wrong with him..."

"I think I got a pretty good idea," Cooter chimed in.

"You do?"

"Yeah, Thunder's just homesick, that's all."

"But Thunder doesn't have a home."

"Not that kinda home, I mean the home as in the people ya love. I think he's missin' somebody."

"Christine said that he said somethin' about his personality bein' incomplete."

"Oftentimes someone or something can act as a foil to another person's character, such as the person that Thunder may be missing," KITT explained.

"Yeah, what he said," Cooter said, pointing a thumb at him.

General thought for a moment, Thunder's photograph coming to mind. "Yeah, well... too bad she's dead."

"He's attached to that Dreamer gal yet, ain't he?" Cooter replied.

"Yeah, and I think it's gotten worse, with the other guys gone, to the point Thunder realized that he doesn't have anybody other than Rig."

The three of them grew silent for a bit before General spoke up again.

"You think there's anythin' we can do for him?" he asked Cooter.

Cooter thought for a moment, drumming his fingers on the table. "I think this's one of those things we're just gonna have to wait out. I think the only real thing you can do for him right now is just make him feel as loved as possible."

Considering what he'd said, General shifted on his suspension, thinking about how he could help Thunder. "Thank you, Cooter, you're a big help. I'll talk to Christine about Thunder and, hopefully, you could help KITT call his people."

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