Chapter Ten: Blue and Orange Don't Mix

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Caroline brushed the hair out of Bo's eyes, studying the burn scar on his face. She sighed, looking over at Russell who stood in the doorway.

"What?" he asked.

"I told you this wasn't a good idea," Caroline said.

Russell sighed. "It wasn't my decision."

Caroline scoffed. "You're still hung up on that nightmare?"

"It wasn't just a nightmare, it felt real."

"Oh, you don't have to tell me. Ever since you started goin' to church every Sunday,'' Caroline shook her head, "I swear you're a whole new man."

"You didn't see what I saw."


General rolled forward weakly, pushing the shed doors open with his nose. He looked around the foggy yard, the damp air settling onto his metal body.

"Hello?" he rumbled softly, his engine dull and hoarse.

As he did, a car nearly identical to him appeared, driving towards him.

"Grant? What're you doin' here?" General asked.

"I came to warn you. Reid's looking for you. He's planning on swapping me out for you. They're going to kill me, paint you like me, and go back north," Grant explained.

"And he just thinks I'd be okay with this?"

Grant hesitated for a moment.


"Reid is... he's very cruel to Defects. He knows how to break us, knows our weaknesses."

"You maybe, but not me. Not all Defects are the same, you know."

"Yes we are. We're all just cars, we're not special."

General paused for a moment, completely in shock. It's not his fault, General had to remind himself, Reid brainwashed him.

"Grant, I'm sorry, but... the things that Reid told you were lies. Every car is unique, no two are the same. Not even you and me. We all have different personalities, different thoughts and beliefs."

"Humans have that, but we're not anything like them," Grant argued.

"Because we don't have instincts, we don't abide by a certain nature. We were never animals. If anythin', we're more civilized than some of the humans out there, Reid especially."

Grant grew quiet, shifting on his suspension.

"Look, if it makes you feel any better, I'm glad you're talkin' finally. Seems like you've got a lot to say and... I'm glad to hear it."

There was a brief moment of silence between them before Grant sighed. "I'm sorry."

"What're you sorry for?" General asked; an apology was the last thing he expected from Grant.

Grant started his engine, backing away quickly. "Good luck, General!"

Grant spun and took off in the opposite direction, jumping a ridge and disappearing into the trees.

"Grant!" General yelled after him, lurching forward.

However, General's motor simply sputtered and died. He coughed a few times, turning to look at the house to his left. A glint in the window caught his eye, a reflection. He stared at it closely, watching figures emerge from the woods behind him. General began to turn around, curious; however, once he saw Reid's face, he immediately began to lay on his horn.

General Lee's Revenge--Family FeudWhere stories live. Discover now