Chapter 3: Revenge

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Smiley (1st person)

I was walking up to my house when I heard someone walking up behind me. I turned. "Uh...Hello-" I said. She doesn't really talk to me if she doesn't need something from me. I slowed, then stopped walking. When she passed me, she rammed her arm into my shoulder. I lost balance and fell awkwardly onto the sidewalk. "What was that for?" I asked. "You know what you did," She growled. "No, I don't." I said stupidly. "You told on me, dope!" She said. "I don't...oh, you mean when Zack told the principle?" I think I know what she's talking about now. I would've tried to stop Zack, but he left before I could say anything. "Zack? What's Zack have to do with this?" She asked. "I just said, he told the principle, not me." I felt bad for telling Joy what Zack did, but what was I supposed to do? "Ok, then I'll just go ask him," she said. Then Phil came out of nowhere and started talking to me.

Phil (1st person)

I don't know what was going on, but I knew that Joy shoved Smiley. "What was that about?" I asked. "The homework thing. She thought I told the principal," She began. "Did you tell her it was Zack?" I asked. I don't know if telling Joy about Zack was the right or wrong thing to do. She looked up at me guiltily. Before answering my question, she stood up and brushed Gravel off herself. "Yeah..." She said. She blushed, held her hand behind her head and avoided eye contact. You know, like you do when you're guilty. "Wait, how did you know what she did?" She asked. I never told her this, but once I got to my house, I always waited outside and watched her. Now that I think about it, it sounds like I'm stalking her. I swear, I'm really just trying to make sure she gets home safely. "I just happened to see Joy push you," I lied. She looked embarrassed.

(Time skip to school the next day)

Zack (1st person)

So, when I was getting my stuff from my locker, Joy walked up and glared at me. "You told the principle, didn't you?" She said. "Yeah, because you were being a jerk," I said. "Uh huh," she said. She elbowed the locker next to me, causing the books in the locker shelf above me to fall. Great. Now all my school stuff is on fire. I took out the backup fire extinguisher in my locker out and sprayed the books. They weren't a fire hazard anymore, but they were burnt and too damaged to use. "Dang it," I muttered. Joy snickered. I looked her straight in the eye until she stared back at me. "You should at least leave Smiley alone," I said. "Why? She's such a-" She was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Pico was towering over Joy and looking down at her. Joy turned. "What do you want? Get away from me, weirdo!" She said, obviously agitated. Pico nodded his head at me, and I guessed that meant back up, so I did.

Pico (1st person)

Zack's books were sprawled out on the floor, and I predicted that Joy might trip over them. I think I might've made her uncomfortable, because she backed up a few feet. I didn't push her, because I figured if a teacher saw me, I would get detention or something. When Joy fell, a few bystanders around us snickered. I thought that Joy was cute, but she's just a jerk. There was a small crowd around us now. I didn't want one of those crowds who chants 'fight' in the background of movies, so I was relieved when the Bell for class rang. Biology, I thought. Once I was there, I saw Smiley trying to get my attention. I knew it must be something important, because Smiley wouldn't normally interrupt a lecture. Once I looked at her, she mouthed thank you, to me. I smiled. Did she know what happened? She must, right? What else would she be thanking me for? "SMILEY! Are you paying attention?" Snapped our teacher. Most students in the class snickered. "Yes sir," Smiley mumbled.

Phred (1st person)

That was the first time I've heard Smiley get corrected. Whatever she was saying to Pico must have been important. After class, at lunch, we all sat together at the same table. Smiley still looked embarrassed, dazed, and guilty from biology. "It's ok, Smiley. That always happens to me," I said. "Yeah, but you never pay attention in class anyway," she said. Smileys never said anything like that to me before. "Well heck," I said. "You're not yourself," I said. "What's going on?" I asked. "Joy," She replied. "Did anything happen since the homework thing?" I asked. I could tell she didn't what to talk about whatever had happened. So, Zack filled me in on what happened. "So, what were you saying to Pico?" I asked. "I just said thanks," Smiley said. "I probably should've just waited until lunch," she said. "It's ok, you were just trying to be polite," I replied.

(Time skip to after school)

Joy (1st person)

Well, today sucked. First Zack, now Pico. At least I still have the rest of my followers to be my bodyguard. I don't think anyone was expecting Smiley to be called out for not paying attention in class. Now I have to worry about Smiley's crew protecting her. They're not, like, a threat, they're just annoying. I'll also have to watch what I say around Smiley's friends, or at least Pico. 

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