Chapter 25: Lauren

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Pico (1st person) 


We got to school today, and there was a new girl. She had dirty-blonde hair, white skin, and she was wearing a plain red shirt and a navy-blue skirt. I couldn't have cared less. Her locker was next to Zack's. I looked down at Zack. He was staring at her, blushing. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I-Is she new?" Zack asked. "Yeah, I think so," I said. "She's cute," he said. I'm guessing he has a crush on her. "Well, you should go talk to her," I said. "What?! No, no I can't do that!" he said. "Alright. If you don't want to, I won't-" I started. "Well, if you insist," he said. He walked over to her. I went a bit closer to hear what they were saying. "Hello," she said. "H-H-H... Hi," Zack said. "I'm Zack, but you can call me Zack," he said. "Okay... Well, Zack, I'm Lauren," she said. Zack was sweating a bit. He looked down at himself. Zack's not that short, but Lauren had a few inches on him. "D-Do you need anything?" Zack asked. "No, I think I'm good," she said. Zack looked down at his wrist. "Oh, would you look at the time! I have to go now!" Zack said. He doesn't have a watch. "Okay... Well, see you around," Lauren said. Zack slowly backed away, then he started running. He slammed into a locker and fell backwards. Lauren cringed, then she went over to Zack and helped him up. Zack looked really embarrassed. Zack ran past me and down the hall, then he turned the corner. Lauren approached me. "Is he... Is he always like that?" she asked. "No, that's the first time that's happened," I said. The bell rang, and Lauren went to class. I went to where Zack had gone. He was panting, leaning against the wall. "What happened?" I asked. "I- I don't know..." Zack said. "Do you like her?" I asked. "I don't know..." Zack said. "It seems like you do. I'm Zack, but you can call me Zack," I said, imitating him. "Crap. Did I really say that?" he asked. He didn't say crap, as you might've guessed. "Yep, I'm afraid so," I said. "What the heck was I thinking?" Zack said. I guess he was cursing because he was frustrated. I would be too if I acted like that. "I don't know, I think you were just nervous," I said. "I'm such a --" he said. I can't think of a good replacement for what he said. "Don't say that about yourself. The bell rang a few minutes ago, we should go to class now," I said. Zack stood and followed me.

We went to homeroom, and apparently Lauren's seat was next to Zack's. Oh, second quarter ended a while ago. My grades are okay, I guess. I have one A, three B's, one C, and one D. The D is in algebra. Today's February 1st (Yay!). At lunch, Zack looked anxious. "Are you okay, Zack?" Phil asked. "Am I short?" Zack asked. "No, not really..." Phil said. "Smiley, you're a girl, what do you think?" Zack asked. Smiley, Phil, and Phred are all relatively the same height. "I don't care how tall they are, I care about their personality," she said, leaning closer to Phil. Phil smiled. "Why do you care?" Phred asked Zack. "I just want to know what people think of me," Zack said. "Is there a specific person? A special girl, perhaps?" Phred asked. "I-It doesn't matter..." Zack said. "It's Lauren," I said. "The new girl?" Phred asked. I nodded. "I'm Zack, but you can-" I started. Zack kicked me under the table. I laughed. "What? What happened?" Phil asked. "I just sounded like an idiot when I talked to her, it's fine," Zack said. "Hey, isn't there a valentine's day dance? You should ask her," Smiley said. "Yeah, okay, maybe I will," Zack said. Me, Phil, Phred, Smiley, and Zack decided that we would go as friends. Lauren could come if Zack asked in time. Phil and Smiley are obviously a little more than friends, but that's fine.

"If you're gonna ask her, you should do it soon. There's not too much time," Phred said. "How? Or... when do I ask her?" Zack said. He was clearly nervous, as anyone would be. "Worst case scenario, she says no," Phil said. "Yeah, and that would be humiliating," Zack said. I looked over to where Lauren was sitting. Joy approached her. "Guys, look," I said. My friends turned to watch. We were too far away to hear what they were saying. Joy looked casual while she was talking. Lauren was too, until Joy supposedly asked for something. Lauren looked serious, then Joy began to look mad. Joy then stormed off, and Lauren continued eating. Zack went over to check on her.

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