Chapter 14: Rex

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3rd person

Phil awoke and realized how hungry he was. Naturally, he went to Phred's variants office. He knocked softly on the door. There was a scratching sound, then the robot opened it. "Hello Phil. Do you need something?" the robot asked with his usual politeness. "Yeah, I'm starving. I could also go for some water," Phil said. "We have a friend who delivers supplies to us. He should be here shortly," the robot replied. "Ok..." Phil said. He didn't know how long this was going to take. He looked behind Phreds variant and saw Smiley and her variant asleep on cots. "Is Smiley okay? Her and her variant," Phil asked. "They appear to have gotten injured yesterday and need rest to recover," the robot responded. "Oh...Let me know when I'm allowed to visit her," Phil said. Robot Phred nodded, but since he didn't have a neck, it looked like he was bowing. Phil walked into the living room area, where he was his variant leaning against the wall. His variant gave a friendly wave when we saw his past self. There was a tapping noise from outside. "He's here," Phils variant said.

"Who?" Phil asked. "The guy who gives us stuff," Phils variant said. He walked to the exit and jumped out of it. Phil followed his variant curiously. "G'day mate!" said a man. It took a minute for Phil's eyes to adjust to the bright light, but once they did, he saw a tall guy with black hair, a vest, and a roundish hat. "Hey Rex, it's always good to see you! Do you have our stuff?" Phils variant asked. "You bet I do mate! Ya got the petty?" Rex responded. Phil had no idea what 'petty' was, but he assumed it was a resource. Rex and Phils variant exchanged a can of gasoline and a crate. "Is petty gasoline?" Phil asked. Rex looked surprised, but then said "Ello!" to Phil. "Hello," Phil replied. "Oh, right! Rex, this is my past self. He apparently got here with a teleporter, and yes kiddo, petty is gasoline," he said. "Crikey! When'd he get here?" Rex asked. "Yesterday," Phil said. "Well, I oughta be on my way now," Rex said. "See ya!" Phils variant called, then he slipped back into the burrow. Phil followed. Phils variant placed the crate on the counter and used his knife hand to open the box. Phil sat on a barstool and looked at the contents of the box. "How often does Rex come?" Phil asked. "About once every two weeks," Phils variant responded. There were several canteens of water, and some white gelatinous looking blobs. "What's that? Is it edible?" Phil asked. "Well, it's edible, but I don't think you want to know what it is..." Phils variant replied. Concern fell upon his variant's expression. "Wait...You might not be able to eat this. Your stomach might not have the right acids..." his variant said. "Does that have anything to do with your stomach being in that jar of liquid?" Phil asked. "No, it's more about humans evolving to eat more stuff," his variant said. "I mean, you can try it, I guess...It may not result well though..." his variant continued. "Ok...It won't hurt me, will it?" Phil asked. "Well, not in a hazardous way..." his variant said. Phil picked it up and took a small bite out of it. It tasted flavorless and had a jelly like texture. There was no need to chew it, so Phil just swallowed it. "We should know in a few minutes if it can be properly digested," Phils variant said. "Alright," Phil said. "If it doesn't work, you could try to take some of Smiley's food," his variant said. "Does your Smiley have food of her own?" Phil asked. "Yeah, that greedy undercarriage stashes food under her bed...Sorry, I'm just sort of annoyed with her," his variant said. "Are car parts profanity here or something?" Phil asked. "Really, any mechanical parts are," Phil's variants said. "You really shouldn't repeat any of what Pico or Smiley says. Especially Smiley," he said. Phil nodded, then he felt a sudden surge in his stomach. His variant saw him wince and said, "You doin' ok? Here, take this...". His variant proceeded to hand Phil a bucket. Phil clenched it and started gagging. "I'll leave you to it..." Phils variant said, standing up and backing out of the room.

Phil's variant went to see Phred's variant. He approached the door and knocked on it. The robot opened the door and looked inquisitively at Phils variant. "Are the Smileys ok?" Phils variant asked. "They're ok, but they need food. Our Smiley can eat the contents of the crate, but the other may need something else," he said. "I can give her pure vitamins and nutrients from my stock, but I will run out of those soon," he continued. "I'll get something for her at some point. What about the others?" Phils variant asked. "The nutrients will sustain them for a while as well," the robot answered. "Ok. Maybe I shouldn't've let the kiddo eat the white thing..." Phils variant said. "Oh dear, that can have some harsh side effects if you're not used to it..." the robot said. "Yeah...He's vomiting in the living room area..." Phils variant said. "You should look over him. Since you can't chew it, it may get stuck in his throat," the robot said. "Good idea," Phils variant said, walking back into the living room.

"Hey kiddo. You doin' ok?" Phils variant asked. Phil groaned. His variant walked over and looked in the bucket. "Well, you certainly got that out...And some other stuff as well..." his variant said. Phil lay curled up on the floor, clenching his stomach. " you need a laxative or something?" Phils variant asked. Phil opened his mouth, but no words came out. Phil just resorted to shaking his head. Phil's variant went back to Phred's variant and told him the situation. "Give him this," Phreds variant said, extending a claw holding a pill from inside of him. Phils variant took it and rushed to Phil. He put the pill in Phils mouth, then rhythmically stroked his throat until he swallowed. "That should work..." his variant said. He knew that if something happened to his past self, he may be affected as well.

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