Chapter 1

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Dream's POV

I hate balls. 

Why? Well when you go to a ball you're expected to talk and dance and show off your pish posh living. Apparently the crowned prince is among the crowds tonight, but he is the least of my worries. I'm here for one thing and one thing only, details on the 4 noble men of the seasons, rumored to be here tonight but of course that information was wrong like usual. They would never come to an event with so many faces to place them, they would much rather be in a more private party with people of their own choosing. As much as I do love interacting with the nobles, I prefer to do that with my own face, not the face of nightmare.

I should leave before someone notices me but such a handsome young man came up to me. From what I could tell by his features was that this was Fundy, prince of the Woodland kingdom. He was my height with orange hair, "Would you like to dance..." He held out his hand to me, usually I would decline to such requests but there were eyes on us, so I took his hand. "Night, pleasure to meet you." He guided us out to the dance floor, slowly we waited for the song to begin. Other royals flooded the floor and danced together, every pair danced synchronized. "I haven't seen you around before Night."

"Is that a statement or a question?" 

Fundy spun me, "Just a simple observation." I was pulled back into his chest. "My observation is that the king seems to be going all out for this ball, why is that?" Fundy looked at me with wide eyes and laughed. "You don't know?" I rolled my eyes. "As you have pointed out I am new to this whole thing." Fundy let go of my hand "It's for the crown prince's new queen. He is looking for a partner by being himself, hiding amongst the crowd." I laughed slightly at his joke towards the prince. 

"Well it was lovely talking to you and I hope we can be friends but for now we have to switch partners." Before I could say goodbye I was spun away and caught by a new man.

His hair was pink and he had these wonderful ruby eyes. He wasn't even paying attention to me, just mindlessly dancing. I didn't try to start a conversation. He did intrigue me, but there was something about him that kept me from speaking with him. I just danced with him mindlessly until we switched partners again. 

This time I was with a man with a creeper mask and crown on his head. I hate him already, very unfair to his people when it comes to law but he's still a genius in the world of redstone. "Sam, prince of the Redstone kingdom." I scoffed under my breath and made no point in trying to converse "Night." Sam nodded and danced with me. He's definitely not as skilled as the other two but better than most.

I exited the dance floor as the song came to an end and wasn't planning on sticking around for the next one. My feet were killing me. These heels don't make it so you can last a full night, I was planning on leaving for the second time but the smell of food flooded my nose and made my stomach twist from hunger. I walked towards the wall of the room, going through the crowd surrounding the dance floor while also grabbing some food off the table on the way. 

I sat down in a corner and started to eat some of the food. I stared through my small masquerade mask towards the crowd of people, sorting out who was who from past meetings or parties. I didn't notice someone standing next to me. "Are you ok?" I heard someone ask, looking up there was a male, who looked like he was 18, with half black and half white hair. His mask was around his mouth and nose which was odd but he had piercing grey eyes that were very pretty. 

"Yes. Why do you ask?" He looked around then back at me "You're eating in a corner with your shoes cast off to the side." I smiled  and chuckled nervously as he eyed my food. " How about we don't talk about this and I share with you." The kid sat down and grabbed some weird cheese thing. 



"Odd name."

"Mines odd?"


I am more interested in finding the legendary Technoblade then dancing or talking with other people. Though my original mission was the noblemen I just can't get out of my head how my boss used to talk about him all the time, always about his fighting style, how ruthless and intense it was. Saying he was with a very strong arm, but doesn't rely on his brain as much as brawn. Of course I wouldn't sell him short, if he is crowned prince there must be some smarts within him. His reputation that I have heard is only his fighting skills, meaning not many socializing ones. I put on my shoes and walked around the rim of the ballroom, I saw the same male from earlier, the pink haired one. 

He looks like he doesn't want to be here as much as I do. Could it be? Better find out. Maybe we can talk and keep to ourselves. I walked up to him and stood next to him. "Can you remember any of the names?" 

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