Chapter 8

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Ok, yes I know we want to kill Techno but! He is needed for plot and I want my clout. 

Speaking of clout, I have a new cover coming out. I think you will enjoy it very much, I personally do not think I am that good at art so if you don't like it! Keep it to yourself.

3rd Persons POV

Wilburs hand hurt slightly after punching Techno, did he regret it? No. Not at all, hell, he was happy he did it. Walking back to his room, Wilbur remembered that he promised Phil to check up on Dream. Vivid images of Dream crying burned in Ailburs head, thinking of a way to cheer the man up he grabbed his guitar and set off. Rain poured down and flooded the streets slightly, almost everyone was inside taking shelter from the storm. Once in the main market of the village Wilbur saw a shop, it had exactly what he needed to cheer Dream up. Paying for the surprise he started for Dream's house, he turned the corner and saw the familiar house. Walking to the front porch Wilbur knocked a couple times, Dream opened the door and as quickly as the door was open it was shut again.

"Go away! I don't want to talk right now!" Dream placed his back on the door, listening for any sound. "Dream, can you please let me in!" Dream felt knocking again "No!" Dream felt one final hit "Please...I just want to talk. I also want to give you your present." Dream sighed, hoping he wouldn't regret his decision later he opened the door. Wilbur was damp from the rain, he had a white box in one hand and a guitar in the other. "Come in quickly, I will get you a towel." Wilbur brushed past Dream who shut and locked the door. Dream walked to a closet and grabbed a towel, then passed it to Wilbur. Dream motioned for Wilbur to follow him, he brought him over to the couch. Will decided to sit on the floor across from Dream. The only thing between them was an old oak table.

Wilbur dried his hair and took off his coat. "What happened this morning?" Dream frowned, knowing there was no way to avoid the question he decided to answer it. "I was going around, getting all the happy birthdays from the townsfolk. Then I went to the castle and got more happy birthdays from everyone. I finally found Techno after 30 minutes of searching. He didn't even mention my birthday the whole time we walked around. Realizing my attitude, Techno thought I was sick and told me to go home. I came back to ask him something and found him wishing that girl a happy birthday and asked her out. I ran and almost knocked into you, blah blah you know the rest." Dream voice wavered at the end, Wilbur was sitting, he was listening and taking in each word.

Dream started to tear up. "Do you want to know the worst part..." Dream said with a dull sadness in his voice. Wilbur stayed quiet and waited for Dream to carry on "After he sent me home, I found a beautiful necklace on the floor. It was an emerald that matched my eyes. On the back 'happy birthday' was engraved on the necklace. I ran back after Techno and you know the rest of the story..." Wilburs eyes widened, the woman earlier was wearing the necklace, it was quite beautiful. "I'm so sorry," Wilbur said after being at a loss for words. "It's fine, it was not your mistake but mine...though I wished it happened on a different day instead of my birthday." Wilbur glanced to his side and remembered his surprise.

"I got you something for your birthday." Wilbur said as he looked at the box, "Will, you didn't need to do that-" Wilbur waved off Dream sentence "Close your eyes. Please?" Dream sighed and slowly closed his eyes. Wilbur smiled and grabbed the box, he took out his surprise and placed it on the table in front of them. Wilbur grabbed the guitar next to him, cleared his throat. "Can I open my eyes yet?" Dream asked, getting impatient, "Count to 5 in your head. Then you can open them." Dream sighed again. '1' Dream started to hear a lighter clicking. '2,3' the soft strumming of a guitar was starting. '4' Wilbur hummed '5' Wilbur started to sing.

"Happy birthday to you~" Dream opened his eyes. Wilbur was sitting across from him. Playing the guitar, there was a small cupcake in the center of the table with one candle on top of the cake. "Happy birthday to you~" Dream started to smile, he felt himself crying again. This time it was happy tears, not the same sad ones that the earlier events brought. "Happy birthday Dear Dream~" Dream hugged himself and kept quiet as Wilbur sang, happy tears rolled down his face as he listened. "Happy birthday to you~" Wilbur paused and pushed the cupcake towards Dream.

"From good friends and true,~" Wilbur sang with a soft smile on his face as he watched Dream's reactions. "From old friends and new,~" Wilbur closed his eyes and focused on the song again, he could sense Dreams' smile as he listened to the music. "May good luck go with you,~" Dream let out a chuckle at this line, he thought about earlier events and the irony within the words. Dream's smile disappeared for a second as he remembered the necklace, the kiss and the tears. Pushing his thoughts away he focused back in on the present, hearing the guitar and Wilbur singing made him forget about the memories for a moment.

"And happiness too.~" Wilbur stopped and looked at Dream, he was smiling and crying. "Ha-Thank you...this means a lot to me." Dream wiped away his tears, "make a wish Dream." Wilbur said quietly, Dream looked at the single lit candle on the cupcake. Leaning forward slightly, Dream closed his eyes and blew a delicate breath. The candle went out. "What did you wish for?" Wilbur asked. Dream smiled and looked at Wilbur mischievously, "It's a secret." Dream stood up and walked to the kitchen, he grabbed a knife and made his way back over to the living room. "What's that for?" Wilbur questioned, Dream ignored him and cut the cupcake in half.

"One for you and one for me." Wilbur shook his head "I got it for you, please enjoy." Dream pouted for a second before he made a sad face "You're not going to make the birthday boy cry again. Are you?" Dream started to tear up and Wilbur panicked "Fine! Fine, I'll eat the cupcake just please. Please don't cry." Dream perked up and grabbed his half of the cupcake before pushing the plate back towards Wilbur. Wilbur sighed and picked up his half, Dream and Wilbur clicked cupcakes before taking a bite. Dream's eyes widened at the taste of the cupcake "This is really good!" Wilbur hummed in agreement as he took another bite. After eating they snapped out of their trance and realized something.

'It stopped raining'

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