Chapter 3

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Techno's POV

The ball came to an end but I couldn't get my mind off Dream. There is just something behind those green eyes that enticed me. The way he spoke, moved, everything. All of it. All of him had me mesmerized. I just wish I could find him again, "What has my dear brother so deep in thought?" Wilbur came over and threw his arm around my shoulder "Nothing Wilbur."  I said glancing at his arm, "Are you sure?" I knew this voice, he was up to something. I removed Wilbur's arm and started walking out of the ballroom, Wilbur was following me with a crazed smile "Perhaps my dear younger brother is think of a certain someone...that someone who is perhaps blonde and loves green?" 

We reached the dinning hall, I was in the middle of the room. I turned around to see Wilbur leaning on the door frame with a smirk. He started to speak again after gaining my attention "Couldn't be possible...After all the great Technoblade doesn't believe in love." He gave me a two finger salute and walked in the direction of his room. "Wilbur!" I shouted after him only finding an empty hallway. I groaned and kept walking to my room. Our head maid; Alice was there, she had some towels in her off hand while she was knocking with the other.

"Alice? What are you doing?" Alice turned on her heels and placed her hand on her hip "Your still out? I would have thought you would be back by now like every other ball." Alice teased, I looked at her unimpressed. "To answer your question, I am here to drop off some towels of yours. Usually your here so I thought you would have answered but apparently I am wrong. How was the ball?" I rolled my eyes and went to my door, unlocking it. "Ok, still hate them though." "Really? Well what happened there. Anything interesting?" I opened my door and let her through "Nahh. Some just carried on having conversations, as if I wasn't there at all. Those that did talk to me did with such indifference or nonchalance, it verged on impertinence. There was this one in particular."

"Oh?" Alice said intrigued as she set the towels down on the bed. "Dream." Alice laughed "Surely not his real name." I laughed at the memory of the night "Didn't give another." She hummed and started to fix the bed. Alice was always like a mother to me, even after my real one died. Alice sat on the end of my bed, watching me take off my tie. "What are the five most important things I need to know about that man?" She asked me, I turned around with my loosened tie hanging from my neck. "Why five?" She smiled and walked over to me helping me take off my jacket "I don't know. Felt like the right number." I shook off the ends of the jacket fully releasing my arms from the tight fabric.

"Why not three?" I asked, Alice placed my jacket on a chair before turning back to me. "He's more interesting than three." I raised a brow, I knew that much was true. Dream seems more interesting than anyone I have ever meet. "One, that he's a commoner." I said trying to remember things other then his eyes. "Is that interesting?" Alice asked looking at her nails. "No, not particularly. That he had polio as a child. That he has a passion for planning things. And he would never dream of being anything like a noble." I paused at the last part waiting for Alice's input. "What on earth does that mean?" Alice asked chuckling "I'm not altogether sure. But I'm also not incurious to find out." Alice hummed and watched me take out my earrings. "What was number five?" 

"That was five." I looked at her through the mirror.  "No, Techno, that was four." Alice said crossing her arms. "All right. Five is...I liked him." Alice chuckled shortly "Yes, I can tell that." "There's a contempt in him." Alice scoffed, "What for?" "For me. For us. For everything we represent. I actually think you'd like him." I said as I stood up and guided Alice to the door, she walked past me out the door. We gave each other a nod and she started to walk down the hall. "That's what's so dangerous about him." I said so she could just hear me, if she did hear me she didn't react but I could sense the smile. I closed the door and went to my desk. I leaned back on my chair and exhaled.

I looked at Steve in the corner, he was sound asleep. I got up from my desk and moved over to his corner. I started the pet his head which he subconsciously leaned into the touch "what would you think if I told you I was in love?" Steve didn't talk back because he was a polar bear and asleep. "I think you would be fine as long as you were fed but, the real question would be if you would like him." I looked at Steve's sleeping face "if he got to my heart I am sure he would get by yours...Goodnight Steve." I turned off the lantern and laid in bed, dreaming about the one and only Dream. 

Sorry for not updating (:

I'm back! And going away for the weekend.

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