Chapter 7

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 Ohh I am going to hate myself for giving you this power...Anytime you see a (!) you will be Techno's voices. You can only react to the sentence that the exclamation mark is on, do not talk about any other part of the story ahead if you read ahead. Do you understand? You only know what Techno knows. (I'm trying this out so you don't have to do it if you din't want too, but I think it will be funny. If it doesn't work then I will edit it later)

I am going to watch the world burn.

3rd Person's POV

Dream ran home in the rain, he felt the makeup running down his face. He kept running home, mud splattered his outfit. Dream turned the corner he knew all too well and ran to the door, fumbling with the keys on his way in. As soon as the door was open, he ran in and slammed it behind him. He let his tears fall as he slid down the door, he let out his cries. He sobbed and sobbed, the storm's rain made him shiver in the cold house but he sat with his back to the door and kept crying. Patches came over and pawed at Dream, Dream stopped sobbing and sniffled, the sobbing stopped but the tears didn't. Dream picked up Patches and hugged her "I messed up, Patches." 'Meow' "I really messed up." Dream cried into Patch's fur.

Dream stopped crying, not because he felt better but because he lost all his tears. He moved up from the floor and carried Patches close to his chest, he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass. He got himself a glass of water, he drank half of the glass before setting it down on the counter. He grabbed Patches bowl and gave her an early dinner. After setting the food on the floor he returned to the glass, looking at the water. Without thinking he grabbed the water glass and threw it at the door, sobs started to build up again, Dream ran his hand through his hair, and used his elbows to hold his head on the counter, barring his head into his hands. Taking a deep and shaky breath, Dream walked over and started to clean the glass up.

He finished with the glass and threw it away in the garbage. Patches was in a corner, scared from the sudden wash of anger. "Sorry Patches, I didn't mean to scare you." Dream walked over and picked Patches up, bringing them to Dream's bedroom. Dream placed Patches on the bed before picking out some clothes. He walked to his bathroom and turned on the shower. The water started to form steam in the bathroom, suffocating his breathing. Stripping down Dream entered the shower, the water burned his back but Dream didn't notice or really just seem to care. He started to scrub his arms, he scrubbed harder and harder. His arms turned red, his back was burning from the boiling water. Dream let tears fall as he scrubbed himself clean. He turned off the water after he felt the disgusting feeling was gone.


"Wilbur." Tommy called, Wilbur kept walking down the hall. He opened every door and peeked into the room. "Wilbur!" Phil yelled as Wilbur slammed one of the doors "What! What could you possibly need at this moment?" Wilbur was annoyed, he opened another door and found another empty room. Wilbur groaned at the empty room, he turned around and was stopped by Tommy. "Move. You prick." Tommy (who would usually be angry) looked over at Phil, "Wilbur. I know you are angry and wondering what happened. We all are but I need you to calm down." Wilbur sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. "Fine."

"I will find Techno, you will go find Dream." Phil reasoned, Wilbur felt his blood boil, his hands curled into tight fists "I am going to find Techno before I leave. I want to say something." Phil sighed but pulled Tommy back, Wilbur kept walking and searching through rooms. Open, shut. Open, shut. Open, shut. One room after another until they heard voices at the end of the hallway. One voice they knew was Techno's another was an unknown woman. Wilbur shut the door for the room he was looking in, he passed all the other rooms and followed the voices. Phil and Tommy were trailing behind, wondering what Wilbur was going to do. Wilbur turned the corner and saw a sight that made his blood curdle, Techno was laughing with the woman. A woman he recognized as one of the head maids.

Wilbur approached Techno, his hands were in tight fists, he started to pull back his fist. Techno noticed Wilbur and started to say, "Hey Wilbur! What is wrong-" Techno was cut off from a sudden punch to his face. "Wilbur!" Tommy and Phil said at the same time "An action speaks a thousand words." Wilbur said and walked away, Phil and Tommy moved out of his way letting him past. Phil watched Wilbur turn the corner, sorry filled his expression. Meanwhile, Isla helped Techno off the ground "Are you ok?" Techno held his nose, blood was dripping from his hand. "Yeah. I'm fine." Techno stood up and looked over at Phil and Tommy "Can someone tell me what that was for?" Phil's face turned blank as he looked back over at Techno. "You." Phil snapped his fingers at Isla and pointed over his shoulder "Leave."

Isla took her leave. "Techno, what happened today?" Techno looked at Phil and Tommy confused "What do you mean?" (!) Phil and Tommy shared a look, "Sorry let me rephrase, what happened with Dream today?" Phil was losing his patience. "We walked around like any other day, he started to feel sick so he went home." Tommy stared wide eyed at Techno "Do you know what today is?!" He said, Techno looked confused. "Uhh no? Should I?" Phil let his blank face break, anger was evident on his face. Tommy looked ready to punch Techno much like Wilbur. Tommy muttered something under his breath, "What?" Tommy repeated a bit louder, Techno still couldn't hear what he said. "Tommy, I can't understand you when you mumble."

"IT'S DREAMS BIRTHDAY DICKHEAD! YOU FORGOT DREAM'S BIRTHDAY, RANBOO EVEN REMEMBERED AND HE CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT HE ATE FOR BREAKFAST!" (!) Tommy yelled, he was pissed. Tommy grabbed Techno's shirt and pulled him down towards him. "How was that for speaking up?" Tommy said, reality crashed on Techno, his face paled. Phil put a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "What happened after he left?" "I um, I went and talked to Isla and asked her on a date." Techno answered, still shocked by the other news. "I have news for you Techno, Dream ran out of here crying." Phil chipped in

"He cried on his birthday and it was your fault. It could have been from you not remembering his birthday or you asking that woman out." Techno got his grounding back "There is no way he heard me ask Isla out, he went home." Techno tried to defend himself, trying to make the situation better. "Are you sure?" Phil asked. "Yea-" Tommy cut in "You better be sure because you might end up with more than a bloody nose if you're wrong." (!) Techno gulped as Tommy and Phil left him. Techno walked in the opposite direction, he looked out the window. 'The storm stopped.' He thought and kept walking down the hall.

Dream changed and came back down from his shower, he was drying his hair when he heard a knock at the door. Walking over his eyes widened at who was at his door. He slammed the door in their face. "Go away! I don't want to talk right now!"

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