Chapter 12

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To my readers, Hello! How's it going?

I have come to realize I have not updated my stories often and I am sorry for that but I am relieved that you guys are all very patient with me and my writing. I will be getting less and less busy once Thanksgiving and Christmas come around so please be a little bit more patient with me as I try to finish my other stories that are closer to an ending so I have more time to update my longer stories.

With Love, Luna 👻

3rd Person's POV

Wilbur raced home, he almost got wiped out by some horses but managed to slow down and dodge before they took him out. Other than that he kept the same pace the whole way home and only slowed down when he entered the castle. Standing in the main hallway, bent over with his hands on his knees, sweat dripping down his face, and his breathing was heavy. Wilbur tried to catch his breath when he heard a distant voice yelling.

Wilbur calmed down from his run and walked through the halls with composure in his appearance but underneath all that was a gushy, giddy boy who was ready to celebrate. "Someone needs to find my son now! I don't care if you have to storm through the village. Find him now." Wilbur snuck into the throne room to see Phil yelling at the guards but none of them moved from their spots. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET OUT THERE AND FIND MY SON!" The guards almost ran out of the room, scared shitless. This was the angriest they had ever seen Phil.

As the guards left Phil punched the table with enough strength to create a small dent in the wood. Phil looked like he was going to start throwing shit which meant it was a good time for Wilbur to announce himself before the situation would escalate. "Hey Phil." Phil looked over at Wilbur. At first he looked relieved to see Wilbur safe but then his relief turned to anger. "Where the hell were you?" Wilbur looked at him with some disgust, he really just said that? Wilbur almost bite back. Almost, but remembered what Dream said the previous night.

"Tomorrow, ask him why. He must have a reason for doing this and you know that." Dream's sweet voice ran through Wilbur's head, a smile ghosted over his lips. He still couldn't believe he had the balls to finally ask him out. Wilbur just expected himself to die alone. (Honestly, same.)

"I had to clear my head." Wilbur said with his head down. Like he was being told off as a child, actually it reminded him of the one time Techno and him got into a fight as children, it was the only time Phil raised his voice at them besides recent events. "You should have told me Will! I almost sent out armed soldiers to tear the town apart for you!" Wilbur felt his hands curl, something in him broke. "I know you're angry that I left without warning but you also gave no warning for flipping my life around!"

Phil's face softened and created the calm, collected king the world knew but Wilbur didn't take notice of the change. "I worked hard to get where I was! To get past the whole pretty boy prince and it was all just for you to go and make me into something I never wanted! It was supposed to be Techno, not me. I was happy and now I have to restart everything because you wanted it." Wilbur had tears streaming down his face, he hated to cry. Always made him feel weak.

Phil slowly walked over to Wilbur and gave him a hug. "You're right and I'm sorry for that," Wilbur moved out of Phil's arms and wiped away his tears. "Let's go sit down so you can relax." Phil gently touched Wilburs back and moved him to a private room, where they could talk. "Listen Will, I know you're upset and I know you're hurting but please just understand. I wouldn't have changed anything unless I saw it was absolutely necessary for this kingdom and family." Phil took a long deep breath before focusing back on Will. 

"We had some kingdoms threaten to pull out as allies and as trade partners if Techno was to be king. The reasons have varied, he isn't fit for the title, it disrupts the whole dynamic for inheritance and all that shit." Phil tried to make a joke but it didn't meet the mark. "I have loved you boys all my life but I could not risk seeing this kingdom go down because of something I could have changed." Wilbur nodded, it was a valid reason and one he couldn't argue with.

"Now I know you two are upset and angry but I also know you are scared for what is going to come with this change. I promise I will teach you both to the best of my ability and make sure you are ready." Wilbur kept wiping at his nose and eyes trying to keep a little composure as he had this talk with Phil. "After all, if I can't leave you guy's alone with Tommy for an hour, I can't even think of letting you run a kingdom on your own." Wilbur was still crying but laughed at Phil who smiled seeing Wilbur happy again. "Come on, wipe those tears away because I am not going anywhere any time soon." Phil brought Wilbur back into a hug, "You promise?" Wilbur mumbled as he was smothered in Phil's embrace. "I promise."

The two stayed there for a little longer before Phil let Wilbur go, Wilbur wiped away the remaining tears and sniffled. Phil stood up and brought Wilbur with him. "Thank you." Wilbur said, Phil ruffled Wilbur's hair and smiled. "Anytime son." Phil and Wilbur walked out of the room and made their way to the garden in silence. The air was slowly starting to turn cooler as the new season began. Sitting on the grass, Wilbur started to think about Dream and what he was going to do for the date.

Phil eyed Wilburs dopey smile, he took the hint and gave in. "What?" Wilbur's smile widened "Nothing." "No, seriously what?" Phil pushed. "I asked someone out and they said yes." Like a switch in Wilbur he laid down on the grass and turned into this giddy boy. Phil looked at his son with worry. "Are you ok?" Wilbur sat back up and nodded. "Ok..." Phil dragged out, eyeing Will up and down. "Now can I ask who has gotten you all..." Phil motioned to all of Wilbur. Wilburs eyes brightened at the thought of Dream. "Well you know him." Phil knew exactly who he was. "Were you at his house last night?" Wilbur nodded more hesitantly as he watched Phil slowly think. "Dream." Phil said with triumph.

Wilbur groaned at how easy it was for him to guess. "How could you possibly know that?!" Phil laughed "I watched you fall in love with that boy ever since he first walked into this building. Whether you knew it or not it was painfully obvious." Wilbur felt like there was steam coming out of his ears as he blushed and hid his face in his hands. Phil smiled mischievously, "Does that mean we have a possible future queen lined up already?" Wilbur pulled his face out of his hands and looked over at Phil wide eyed. "S-shut up!!" Wilbur stuttered in a frenzy as he pushed Phil slightly.

Phil laughed at Wilbur's reaction, fully enjoying teasing his son.

Wilbur calmed down slightly, never imagining he would have this talk with his father. "Would you let him be queen? If all goes well of course." Wilbur asked shyly, Phil was surprised at first but understood why he was asking. Phil went through this process once, memories for another time. 

"I think Dream could be a great queen. After all he understands the struggles of townsfolk and nobles, he sees things from both sides and is a very calm, collected, lovable person that can get people on our side. Plus Dream as future queen wouldn't be half bad because I know he would keep you boys on track." Phil added, smiling towards his son. "Thanks." Wilbur said as they both stood up, Wilbur gave Phil a small hug before letting go. "You're welcome, now go plan a date with your future wife." Phil teased as Wilbur ran off inside, while flipping him off.

Techno was reading in his room. He could hear the conversation taking place in the garden from his room. Looking out the window he felt a sharp pain in his heart. Closing the book and walking to his balcony he felt something in his heart. Regret? Jealousy? Fear? He didn't know but whatever it was he hated it and wanted it gone. 

Sorry this took forever, I made sure to finish it just for you guys. Now I go pass out.

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