Chapter 6

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3rd Person's POV

Dream was on his way to hang out with Techno at the castle, ever since they hung out for the first time 2 months ago it looked like they were inseparable. Every other day they would hang out, they spent most of their time walking around and talking. Talking about anything really, scenery, life, interests, hates. When they were at the café Techno would always sit at one of Dream's tables so when he would order he got to talk to the blonde any chance he got. Dream always enjoyed Techno's company throughout his shifts, slowly Dream came to realize his small crush on Techno but never mentioned it due to fear.

Today, it was August 12. Dream's birthday. Dream made his way to the castle like usual. On the way he was greeted with happy birthday from surrounding people in the village, everyone expressed their love for him as he walked through town. After all, who wouldn't love Dream, he's nice to everyone, helpful and a great waiter. Everyone remembers Dreams' birthday. As Dream continued towards the castle, thunder could be heard through the sky. Dream still continued towards the castle. Since today was his birthday, Dream prettied himself up more than usual but also because of yesterday's memory.

"I have found someone I like, tomorrow I am going to ask them out." Dreams' hearts fluttered because tomorrow was his birthday. "Really! That's so unlike you Techno!" Dream said, ignoring his rapid beating heart. "Tomorrow is a special day." Dream felt his heart warm. "Bad is expecting me home, I will talk with you tomorrow! Ok?" Techno nodded and walked Dream to the door. "I hope it will go well for you!" Techno smiled "Thanks." As soon as Dream was out of the door he jumped all excitedly. He almost ran home but kept his composure.

Dream passed the 2 guards who were standing in front of the gate. "Happy birthday Dream!" They said simultaneously, this made all 3 of them laugh. "You look awfully pretty today." One of the guards noticed "Can't a man get dressed up for his birthday?" Both guards talked over each other. "Of course they can!" "Go on in Dream." The guard opened the gate and let Dream through, Dream waved at them before entering the castle.

Dream passed Tommy and Ranboo. "Happy birthday big D!" Tommy said and gave Dream a fist bump, "Happy birthday Dream." Ranboo said respectfully. "Thank you!" Dream said with a smile, "You look very nice today Dream." Ranboo said Tommy looked at Dream's face and clothing, noticing the makeup and nice clothing. "Popping off Bid D!" Tommy said, they bid each other a due, Dream kept looking for Techno, he checked the rooms where they usually meet up. Dream walked into the dining room.

Phil saw Dream and smiled "On your way to see Techno?" Dream nodded and smiled sheepishly. "Happy Birthday by the way, you look very nice." Phil said and walked out of the dining room. Dream said a quiet thank you as he walked through the hallway again. Wilbur came out of his room and walked up the Dream. Wilbur smiled and held Dream's shoulders "Happy birthday! You look marvelous as always." Dream smiled at him and Wilbur walked away.

Dream finally made it to Techno, he was waiting in the library. "Hey Techno! How are you on this special day!?" Dream said happily, Techno didn't look up from his book "Fine, how are you?" Techno asked back, Dream was taken aback by his answer. "Good..." Dream said a little more quietly, Techno put his book marker (book paper, book placer...What is it called? I don't remember. It's on the tip of my tongue, this isn't a joke please.) in and placed his book on the table beside him. Techno walked over to him "Let's go take a lap." Techno walked by Dream, Dream was staring into thin air 'Did he not remember?' "Dream!" Dream turned around "Are you coming?" Dream nodded and followed Techno, as Techno talked Dream was slowly becoming more dull. He gave short responses and didn't actually pay attention to the conversation.

Something dropped out of Techno's pocket but neither noticed. "Are you feeling alright, Dream?" Techno asked, Dream nodded. "Maybe you should go home, don't want you to feel sick." Dream just sighed, giving up at this point. "Yeah, maybe going home is a good idea." Dream said with a dull voice. He turned and started to walk down the hall, hoping Techno was going to yell a happy birthday. He looked back and saw Techno disappear around a corner, Dream kept his head down as he walked and noticed something on the ground. Dream looked around and picked up the object, it was a necklace with a beautiful emerald in the middle being held by silver. Dream gasped and turned it over the beautiful necklace, on the back it was engraved 'Happy Birthday'

Dream ran down the hall, he was about to turn the corner when he heard some voices. Dream listened to the conversation. "Happy birthday, Isla!" Dream knew that voice all too well, he heard a gasp. "OMG Techno you remembered!" Isla said, it sounded like she was crying because of her voice wavering. "Of course I did! I got you a necklace but I think I dropped it earlier..." "It's alright" Isla said, she seemed to calm down slightly. "I um I was also wondering if you would like to go out sometime?" Dream peaked his head around the corner, just in time to see Isla nodding and wrapping her arms around Techno's neck. They kissed.

Dream felt his heartbreak, every piece pulled apart, he bit back his tears and threw the necklace on the ground. Dream walked down the hall, his speed picking up the farther he went down. Dream was in a full sprint by the end of the hall, turning every corner with tears threatening to fall, on the last stretch of hallway. Dream almost ran into Wilbur but stopped himself before making contact. Wilbur looked at Dream surprised, he looked at his teary eyes "Are you ok?" Wilbur put his hand on Dream's shoulder only for it to be removed. "Don't touch me." Wilbur backed up slightly "Move Wilbur. I want to leave." Dreams' voices wavered at the end. "Just tell me what happened." Dream didn't answer and tried to walk past Wilbur. "Just calm down-" Dream tried to walk by him again.

Wilbur put his hands on Dream's shoulder blocking his path. "Wilbur! Move!" Dream yelled his voice cracking slightly, the tears in his eyes were building up. "Not until you tell me what's wrong." Wilbur's voice was soft and full of worry. "YOU!" Dream shouts, shoving Wilbur's hands off him "What do you-" "You were wrong! Your brother is just like every other noble I have ever met! God I was so stupid for believing you." Dream let his tears fall, he was too angry at Wilbur, Techno and most importantly himself. He was angry for even thinking he could be anything more than a commoner. Dream rushes past Wilbur, dodging Wilbur's hand. "Dream!" Wilbur shouted as he watched Dream run down the hall. Wilbur looked behind him deciding who to go after. 

Wilbur looked forward and chased after Dream. By the time he got to the door, Dream was gone. The castle door was wide open, the storm was letting the rain drench the carpet. Wilbur walked outside but the rain was too heavy to see which way Dream went. Wilbur walked back inside, Tommy and Phil were at the door watching Wilbur with worry "What's going on?" Wilbur looked at Phil. "I have no idea."

3 chapters in one day? Yes. I have been spending my time writing so there should be a lot of updates. Umm, hope you enjoyed!

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