Chapter 16

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I don't know if I am going to change this story due to Techno's death and focusing it more on a dreambur love story and a dreamnoblade platonic one. I want to hear the opinion of the public.

3rd Person's POV

Techno couldn't tell what day it was, he couldn't remember how much time had passed since he had seen Dream, or what their last conversation was. These past few days have flown by with him in a cloud of haziness, never fully being in the room or quite understanding of what his surroundings were. All he knew was there was something wrong with himself.

These thoughts floated through his head and aggravated him, the voices were controlling and blowing these same thoughts out of the water. Letting him know that he wasn't acting his usual self. Walking past everyone with no greeting, missing meetings with different troops and generals, and missing dinner with his family. He had never missed dinner with his family before. Techno was by no means sentimental but he still knew when to show his appreciation towards people, especially his family. He did so by showing up to dinner each night.

As his thoughts were stipulated by the voices in his head, he heard heels clicking through the corridor, these clicks filled him with dread and removed him of any past feelings that filled his head. "Oh Techy! I was just looking for you!" Isla approached Techno with a manner of friendliness. Her voice seemed to put him into an eternal hell.

"Hi Isla." His reply was short, one that could throw you off but Isla seemed to not pay attention or mind his manner of wording towards her. She just turned around and clung to his arm, how did Techno get involved with her? These cloudy feelings he has had over the past few days also seemed to mess with his memory. He couldn't tell how he had begun to get involved with her and how things had progressed.

"I just wanted to remind you Techy, about lunch, it's at noon tomorrow and I don't want you to be late this time." She peered her gaze up at him, a smile plastered onto her face, the moss green eyes scrunched. Her eyes weren't as bright or as clear as Dreams though. He couldn't remember why he thought of Dreams' eyes at this moment and not about the fact that he couldn't remember making the lunch plans with Isla.

"Ok," Techno found in this situation it is easier to agree then to disagree and participate in a long conversation. He couldn't handle that with his current state. Isla let out a squeal and gave a chaste kiss onto Techno's cheek before walking down the hallway with a new found excitement. He felt his shoulders sag in relief as she disappeared down the hall.

He continued to walk down the hallway, monologues about what was feeling off and wrong in the past few weeks, trying to figure out the culprit to these feelings. His thoughts were interrupted by soft sounds of music flowing through the hallway.

Techno's POV

What was that sound?

The chords of music echoed through the empty halls, playing an all too familiar tune.

Ballroom music.

How could he forget, Wilbur had his ballroom dance lessons today. Techno remembered the hellish teacher who was all too strict for his liking. He remembered the hell it was to be dancing with her critics.

But who was Wilbur's partner?

You would always have to bring your own partner to the classes, Techno had struggled finding a partner for his lessons but Phil had ended up telling him the instructor brought a partner for him ahead of time. Probably Wilbur's case as well. Techno smiled to himself as he walked closer to the music, memories of his partner's rubbish dancing fixed into his head. He smiled thinking about how Wilbur could be going through the same thing as him.

As he saw the ballroom doors open, he quietly walked passed taking a peek inside. He noticed Phil, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo all on the terrace of the ballroom. They all had looks of affection and surprise sprawled on their faces. That made Techno smile even more, Wilbur's going through the same pain then? I wonder if it's the same partner or different? It was neither. As Techno scanned the room of the "couples' ' dancing he noticed Wilbur's fluffy hair, his back facing him so he couldn't see his partner just yet. As Wilbur and his partner turned slowly, Techno's smile faltered and faded into a monotonous look. He saw the blond hair that held its disheveled form. The messy peaks of hair flicking every time it swayed with the body in a new direction, the slender and muscular body that was hidden underneath the clothes was all too memorable to Techno.

Dreams' laughter echoed as they began the first steps, he saw Wilbur brightening by the sound but the teacher had reprimanded him and didn't seem to take as much joy from his nose as Wilbur did. He could see them whispering to each other when the teacher wasn't near them, as soon as she walked past the group Wilbur grabbed Dream and twirled him into the air.

That's supposed to be me doing that! I was the one who was supposed to dance with him just like that night. Just like the night they met. I found him first. The hidden gem within the pot of gold and jewels. I was supposed to have him giggling and smiling at me as we danced together like that first night.

He took a step forward but stopped. It wasn't his place. He already had his chance. This isn't something he could stop. With an aching heart, he took back the step, with one last glance at Dream he turned his heavy heart away and continued down his path.

Why does everything seem so wrong? 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I wanted to give you something else to read after so long. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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