Uncalled For.

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Zak and I had managed to keep our relationship a secret, and off social media. Naturally, there are fans' speculations but we neither confirm nor deny these things. A year has passed and I am in the middle of moving my budding next to its sister. I placed all of my stuff in sort of like a warehouse but Zak insisted on placing Annabelle in his doll room. Not reluctant at all I agree to this on the condition she stays in the case and he doesn't touch her. Zak a little grumpy, agrees. 

While my museum is being moved Zak offered me a temporary job at his museum and I was to be working alongside him and his mother during the day, which I am not mad about.

One day, Nancy and I are working in the museum. She is downstairs attending to her the people walking in, while Zak and I are giving the tour. 

A/N: Unfortunately I haven't been to Zak's museum so I don't know how tours work in his building so for this story we will be giving them Ok? Coolio :D

"So here we have the legendary Annabelle. She is visiting her at Zak's museum while her home is being moved just across the parking lot." 

"Both TigerLilly and I are thrilled to have her here, and while she is here we are hoping to do an investigation on her soon." Zak throws on to me. Me not wanting to make a scene, just smile at Zak's comment. Zak then opens the room for questions and things allowing the visitors to roam and look around the room before we move on from this room when Zak is bombarded by questions. I am almost pushed out of the way and to the side of the shrouding crowd of people. When a man comes and stands by me. However, I do not take my eyes off the crowd in case I need to help. 

"So, you're the infamous TigerLilly Warren?" The man spoke.

"That's me." I say balancing on my tiptoes to see what Zak was doing. 

"Tell me. Is she everything you hoped she'd be?" He asks. It is then that I begin to recognize this man's voice. I turn to look at the man. "It's just I remember you telling me you'd love to meet her one day." He adds. 

"Rian?" I ask. He nods his head with a beaming smile. I then throw my arms around him. He then wraps his arms around me in return. "I haven't seen you in so long!" I say with excitement.

"I've missed your stupid face too." He giggles. Picking me up off the floor and swaying from side to side. 

"How come you're in Vegas? I thought you still lived in Connecticut?" I say. He then puts me down. 

"I was, but my wife Hallie got a job as Mr Bagans' new PA and we made the move down here with the kids." 

"You're married! With kids! That's amazing! Oh, I'm so glad you found happiness." I then hug him again. It is then that Zak comes over and clears his throat. "Hey Zak, this is Rian. He and I were best friends back in Connecticut." I say. Zak makes a hardline smile. "Are you ok?" I ask, innocent to what's about to happen. 

"You're supposed to be working! Not fucking flirting." He bites.

"Excuse me! I have no idea who you're talking to but that is no way to treat customers. Or employees!" I scowl back at him. 

"It is when that employee is being a whore in front of her boss." He steps closer. The room falls silent. 

"I have no clue what the hell has gotten into you but you better get out of my face, before I pile drive my fist through your face hole in front of all these people." I warn.

"You can try." He says now in my face holding onto my hands so tightly they are almost impossible to move. It is then I feel an uncontrollable rage fill my body and my head ploughs into Zak's face, busting his nose. People around us gasp. I look around at the people in the room. It's almost static and I can physically see the energy in the room moving. I turn quickly on my heels and leave the entire area of land. Something had forced me to smash my head into Zak's face and I have no idea what. But what was with Zak was he possessed or jealous, either way, he isn't in my good books at the minute.


Days pass and I have been getting massage after message, phone call after phone call from Zak. And I've been ignoring them I don't know if I'm ready to talk to him just quite yet. I'm walking Mist and Ghost on a lake, that no matter the time of year, is covered in fog. 

I am in a mind of my own when the two dogs go darting off into the fog

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I am in a mind of my own when the two dogs go darting off into the fog. 

"Mist! Ghost! No!" I call after them and run after them. Lost for a moment I then hear barking. Following the sound, I then come to an opening and see someone I wasn't expecting.

 Following the sound, I then come to an opening and see someone I wasn't expecting

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"Gracie?" I say with confusion. She then comes over to me and embraces me with kisses. "Hey girl, where's your Dad huh?" 

"GRACIE!" Came a small but firm voice. I look over to the voice to see a small woman with blonde hair looking at me, breathless and red in the face. "Sorry." 

"Don't be. I know how she can be." I smile sweetly. 

"Zak is back there, he made me chase her." She says. 

"Yep, that sounds like him. You're Hallie right?" I ask. 

"I am." I nod my head. 

"Well, good luck Hallie." I turn to leave. 

"Will you speak to him?" She blurts. 

"Excuse me?"

"It's just he hasn't shut up about you since the incident and I need him to. Look I love this job and I've only been here a few days, but if I hear one more time how you helped him with Sophie, I am going to shoot myself..." 

"Did you get her?" Zak's voice follows, but his tone is almost sad. He stops when he sees me. 

"Tige?" He comes running over. But I raise my hand and prevent him from touching me. "Baby please, I am so sorry, the other day. Wasn't me, you should know I would never say anything like that to you, ever. And I would never ever hurt you." He is in floods of tears, almost down on his knees pleading for my forgiveness. I stop for a moment to think about it. Yeah ok his words hurt, but he is right, never would he show himself up like that or even say anything like that. "Rian told me what happened after you left, and I don't blame you for your reaction. Fuck mine would have been much worse than that, but baby please, you gotta believe me when I say. I don't remember saying anything like that. The last thing I remember is seeing you hug Rian, that's it I swear it." I look into his eyes and I can see he is telling me the truth. It was at this moment I decided to slide my arms around him and I feel him sigh with relief. He bends his head down and kisses the top of my head. "Have dinner with me tonight?" He says. 

"I'm not sure Z, I mean, you don't just owe me an apology," I say, looking over to Hallie, who is playing with the pups. Zak looks back at me and I smile. 

"Hey, Hallie, Rian and you are invited to dinner tonight, as an apology for my irrational behaviour these past few days." Zak shouts. Hallie smiles and strokes the pups excitedly. Zak looks back at me again and holds out his hand. I take it willingly and we continue walking the dogs together.

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