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I'm pissed off and watching 16 candles sma

Q: if you could be in any movie what movie would you be in?
A: the breakfast club or 16 candles

Q: favorite time period?
A: 70s-80s

Q: what grade are you in?
A: 9th probably be in 9th grade forever.

Q: crush?
A:uhm my bf

Q: last person of the opposite sex that you shared your bed with?
A: me and my bestfriends were sitting on my bed the other day one of them was a guy, does that count?

Q: last wet dream you had (about a normal person and a celebrity)
A: I had a dream the other night that I lost my virginity to someone omfg it was so real I woke up so damn flustered I just cant. and the last one I had about a celebrity was michael delivered me pizza I have a lot of dreams involving pizza omfg bye

Q: who do you miss?
A: bee eff

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