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Long distance relationships are so Damn hard when you aren't there to make sure they're not fucking other girls. Anyways Message me Id love to talk to yall (:

Q: if your could switch places with a celebrity and switch places with someone normal who would it be
A: celebrity id probably be Pierre Edwards cause sex with Zayn and any normal person Uhm this fuck boy in the grade above me

Q: can you bring back Thantophobia?
A: (;

Q: last show you watched?
A: I watched Degrassi now I'm watching zoey101

Q: favorite class
A: English or film as lit

Q: ever dated a fuck boy?
A: I don't think so. Fuck boys have wanted to date me though.

Q: favorite song?
A: i have no clue

Q: what're you excited for?
A: summer and my birthday cause I'll be 16 and I'll come pick all yall up and we can go on a road trip and eat food

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