Scream //1D;5SOS// Prologue

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Ivanna woke up to a new day, a new house, a new life. Her mom divorced her awful father and remarried her brothers slightly wonderful one.

Meaning her and get twin sister, Ivory, had to start a new life at a new school in L.A. Their brother already went to this school. Its for kids with 'special talents.' They're high in academics so her mom forced her and her sister to do a stupid duet audition.

They got in. Ivanna didn't understand why seeing how the year was almost over anyways.

Ivannas blonde curly hair blew in the gust of wind that rushed past her when she opened the door of her brothers range rover.

The campus of this school was huge. Ivanna could surely mistake it for a college or boarding school of some sort.

"Are you sure this is a good school Niall? I mean are the people nice?" Ivory asked her brother. "Of course! Everyones nice here!"

Ivanna looked to her left seeing four boys dressed in all black smoking a cigarette on the front steps. One wearing a beanie eyeing her every move.

"Yes, those kids look super nice." Ivanna motioned to the boys. "The stoners? Yeah steer clear of them."

"I don't know they're kind of cute." Ivory blushed. She was the boy crazy twin. She would do anything to get a boy to notice her.

"They aren't your type, trust me." Niall sighed. The three of them started walking to a soccer feild. (They're in america so its soccer) "First hour is free period for everyone, this is when you get the chance to practice your talent or catch up on your studies."

A different group of boys were standing on the feild kicking a ball around. Ivanna loved soccer, everything about it made her happy.

"Hey boys." Niall said. "Hey.. want to introduce us to your friends?" A black haired boy asked. "These are my sisters, Ivanna and Ivory."

"Hi I'm Calum." He smiled Ivanna's way.

"Hi, I'm not interested." She smiled back. Calum looked confused. The blonde boy next to him snickered. Calum smacked his arm.

"Shut the fuck up Hemmings." He mumbled.

"Ive, Ivan, this is Louis, Liam, Luke, and well you've met Calum." Niall introduced each boy. They each mumbles a 'nice to meet you.' And waved.

"So you losers play soccer?" Ivanna asked. Louis chuckled. "We live soccer." He smirked. "Mhm, well is there a girl team?" She asked.

Louis chuckled again. "Girls play soccer?"

"Well I'm a girl and I can kick ass at this game" she answered. This time they all laughed. "Okay whatever, there isn't a girls team."

'Wow what sexist ass holes' she thought.

She huffed walking over to a bench and sitting down next to a blonde girl.

"She's pissed." Niall sighed. Ivory followed closely behind her sister as sort of a follower. Ivory wasn't good at being her own person. She was more girly and shy as oppose to Ivanna who was more edgy and out there.

Ivory took a seat next to Ivanna.

"Well, they were cute." Ivory smiled lightly. "Yeah, cute little ass hats." Ivanna gritted her teeth.

"Watch out, I'm daiting one of those cute little ass hats." The blonde girl next to Ivanna said sitting her phone down.

"Im Nicole." (I changed Courtney to Nicole it's my middle name)

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