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That night I had the weirdest dream. It was my dad standing there, though I didn't know where there was. It was just dark. Nothing special, just me and my dad. Or so I thought. I heard a cackle and turned only to see my dad in the same position. I was beyond weirded out. I looked around, but only saw my dad in the same position. Then, there was a bright green light. I turned and didn't see my dad. (Joy.) But I did see a really ugly thing. It had brown arms, then I saw that it was fur. On a female. It had bloodshot eyes. Then there was a blue beam of light and a knife came out from behind me. Out of nowhere. It hit the beast and the beast shattered into a million hairy pieces.

"I'm sorry." A voice said. It was feminine.

"Weird voice in a weird dream: check," I said. Whoa. I hadn't spoke in over 6 years.


I pried my eyes open. The moon was full and high in the night sky. I walked outside and simply sat on the steps. The harpies were somewhere else. I was just watching the sand move because of the wind.

"Go to sleep," the female voice said.

I shook my head.

"What? You'll speak in a dream, but not outside it?"

I nodded.

The voice chuckled. "Alright. Just go to sleep."

I shook my head.

"Not tired?"

Again, I shook my head. Instantly, I was in my bed and appeared to be more tired than I was outside. I fell into a dreamless sleep. ____________________________________________________________________

Sorry for the shortness, but the ' Dreams...' are over.

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