The Monster

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Elizabeth was training with a spear with Clarisse. "You're doin' pretty good, squirt," Clarisse complimented.

Elizabeth nodded as Clarisse attacked her again. Elizabeth brought up the spear to block it and Clarisse did some weird thing that was too fast for Elizabeth's eyes to see. Whatever it did, her spear was about 5 meters away from her and no way was she getting it. She pulled out the dagger she always kept in its waist sheath. It blocked Clarisse's next attack and Elizabeth was now on defensive. She had to beat the daughter of Ares somehow. Next thing she knew, Elizabeth was on the ground with one hand, tripping Clarisse with her feet. She fell to the ground just as there was a roar.

"Friend of yours?" Elizabeth asked. She had gotten to the point where she talked, but only to specific people: Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Clarisse, and Chiron. They were the only ones that had ever heard her voice also.

"Never met 'em."

"Interrupting our sparring; that was rude."

"We should kill it," Clarisse agreed.

They ran to the boarder to see a Dragon, not a Drakon. It had green scales and its slit-pupil was black; around the iris was purple but was mostly all different colors. It had spikes on its tail, up the its back, and under its chin. It opened its mouth and fire was shot at Elizabeth.

Clarisse ran and pushed her aside, pushing her to the side in the process. "Why are you always the first target?" she asked.

"Don't you think if I'd figured that out, I would have fixed it by now?" she snapped back.

Clarisse smirked at the girl before helping her up. She threw her spear at it. It merely bounced off.

"A blind person could see that wasn't going to work."

Clarisse glared at her and yelled at everyone that that monster was hers.

Elizabeth picked up the spear she had been practicing with and something in her clicked. She instantly knew what to do. Dragons were older, and what they lack in youth, they make up for in wisdom. Except that one didn't have any wisdom and was young. She could tell by the aging of the scales. By shouting at Clarisse to move, she gained the Dragon's attention. It looked at her and fired fire from its mouth. Next thing Elizabeth knew, she was charging at the Dragon and was rolling under its foot when it tried to stomp her. She threw the spear at the back of its head and it slid in. She climbed the scales and found the eldest one; it was technically part of the egg it came from. Sticking the dagger its scale, all that was left was a pile of golden dust, an egg, one of its eyes, and a dazed Elizabeth. She had gone in covered in scratches from Clarisse and came out with nothing. No scratches, bruises, or broken bones. Nothing.

An amazed Clarisse went over to her lifted her up. "You've been holding out on me," she concluded. She walked with Elizabeth to the Hermes cabin.

"Huh; what? Oh, uh, no. I have no idea what that was."

"Probably probably some help from your mom. If your godly parent wasn't a girl, I would think you're a kid of Ares."

Elizabeth shrugged. At lunch, Elizabeth went to the mess hall with her other unclaimed, put all her food in her offering to the gods, and went to the stables.

Clarisse walked up to her when she was brushing one of the chariot pulling Pegasi. "Squirt," she called. Elizabeth turned to face her as the daughter of Ares held out a poorly wrapped box. Opening it, she saw a necklace with the same purple/mix eye on it. "It's tradition to have a token of our first official monster kill."

"I told you I don't know what that was. I can't take this."

She tried to hand it back to the brown eyed girl, but Clarisse put her hands up. "I can't take it, especially now. The Hephaestus cabin made it for you. You need to have a token. It's tradition. Plus, without the killer being the one to have it, it reforms quicker."

Rolling her eyes at Clarisse's horrible lying, Elizabeth put the stupid eye necklace around her neck. "Satisfied?" she questioned.


Shaking her head, Elizabeth went back to brushing the Pegasi.

"Hey, isn't that an Ares' chariot?"

Elizabeth shrugged. "I'm required to take care of a Pegasus. I came out, picked one, and I am taking care of it."

"Yea, but it didn't let anyone get near it," Clarisse persisted. Elizabeth shrugged once again. "Once again if only your parent was a guy." Clarisse threw her hands up in the air and walked off muttering, "Poseidon."

Elizabeth laughed when she was out of ear shot. Not many will ever hear her laugh. ___________________________________________________________________

The rest of the summer went by without a hitch. Clarisse told Elizabeth about Luke Callestan. All she told her was that he worked for Kronos, but didn't say what he looked like or who he was the child of.

Elizabeth had gotten better with using a sword. She almost beat Annabeth once, or so she thought. Annabeth had let her get that far, but finished her off easily. Capture the flag had been pretty fun and that was good considering it was Elizabeth's first time. She still hadn't gotten claimed, but didn't care.

Her relationship with Thalia was weird: they could stand the other if they had to, but, for some reason, didn't have a very good relationship always. They had their good moments and their bad moments. Annabeth and her were really close to being friends, but weren't quite there yet; Elizabeth kept keeping herself at a limited distance from everyone. Something no one could figure out. Her and Lacy were surprisingly good friends since she was a daughter of Aphrodite.

Elizabeth could practically smell the relationship between Percy and Annabeth forming. The children of Aphrodite were practically fainting when they were near the not_yet_formed couple.

Eventually, the time to go home came around. Elizabeth hadn't even thought about going home for her dad was dead. Apparently, she had to go to Tikva Children's Home. It was horrible, but somehow she got through it.

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