Mini Quest... NOT

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Elizabeth was in her knew school, West Over Hall. She was leaning on a wall across from the bleachers when the door opened. In came Grover, Thalia, Percy, and Annabeth; she could almost feel the tension. They noticed her and waved. She tipped back her head in acknowledgment, not wanting to stray her attention. She kept looking at the people dancing, but put the corner of her eye, watched the door. Grover and Thalia went to dance as Jesse McCartney came on. 'Ugh. Couldn't someone choose Green Day or something?' she thought.

Dr. Thorn was now standing at the door. After a few more minutes, Elizabeth saw him call the di Angelo siblings away. Time for action. She ran up to the vice principal. "Dr. Thorn! I, uh, was wondering if the school received the new step-up flute yet?" she called.

Dr. Thorn hesitated. He turned to face the red haired girl. 'Another demigod? Hmm. Kronos will be pleased.' He slowly nodded. "Yes. It is in a coming helicopter. I will show you it." He grabbed the siblings by the scruff of their necks. Like cats.

Elizabeth mentally cringed; she looked up and met the gaze of her vice principal. She cleared her throat. "I believe if you have personal business with the di Angelo children, I could help you escort them to your speaking location," Elizabeth offered, acting as innocent as she could.

Dr. Thorn grinned like he was the smartest person alive and Elizabeth was the most naive. He released the children and gestured for Elizabeth to take them.

She dipped her head to hide the small smile of triumph she held; Elizabeth diminished it as she looked up. She put her hands on the 10 and 12-year-old's shoulders. Dr. Thorn went in front of them and didn't see the siblings look at Elizabeth. She gave their shoulders a reassuring squeeze, signaling she would protect them whether they knew what it meant or not.

Dr. Thorn led them to the front door and heard footsteps. Percy. He tried to push them away, but Elizabeth stepped aside and he only pushed the di Angelo kids. The siblings grunted.

Elizabeth pulled her grey boot up to her hand and pulled out her handy dandy dagger. Dr. Thorn advanced on her and he was fast. Too fast. Elizabeth almost didn't bring up her dagger in time to bar his attack. Almost. He threw a spike and it grazed her leg. It sent a weakening and burning force through her. Poison.

Elizabeth backed into a corner and her vision swam. She heard Dr. Thorn say, "Yes, Perceus Jackson" with the accent she had grown used to. A little while later, she was heaved up and forced to walk outside.

They got to a specific point outside and Thorn held a phone to his ear. He said, "The package - it is ready to deliver. All three along with Mr. Jackson."

'He was going to get me anyway?' Elizabeth thought. ____________________________________________________________________

They were waking to a cliff and an invisible force slammed into them. It was a brilliant plan. Dr. Thorn's first missile flew over their heads due to his surprise.

Thalia got a chance to charge with a spear and her creepy shield.

Percy saw Elizabeth had no weapon and shot her a look. It meant she was too protect the di Angelo siblings. She moved and pulled them aside to a tree near the edge of the cliff.

The sound of a helicopter appeared and increased. After a bit of fighting, the other demigods were on the ground.

"You've lost. Yield, little heros," Dr. Thorn gloated.

No one said anything. Arrows shot at the manticore. "No! It cannot be!" He shot spikes to the woods where the arrows came from, but arrows shot back, meeting with the spikes. Elizabeth thought she was hallucinating for not even the Apollo kids could aim that well.

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