Chapter 1: The Voice

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Techno POV

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm not- wait who're you, where are you?!"

"Are you trapped in there?"

"Who are you?"

"I'll help you, don't worry"

"Don't ignore me"

"Just give me a moment, I don't know how to work any of this"

Techno didn't bother trying to talk back to the voice anymore, he sighed leaning back onto the wall glancing over to the porcelain smiley mask that sat in the corner of the cell.

He didn't know where or what happened to Dream, he regrets falling asleep last night he finally managed to get Dream to start opening up some more again and now he's gone, disappeared with the wind, who's he kidding there is no wind-.

"Then why do I feel the wind?" He thought as quickly sat up realizing the large lava wall started lowering down, Has Sam finally noticed Dream missing?

When the lava was no longer blocking his view he tried looking over to try and spot the creeper hybrid but couldn't see a spec of green, "what?" was all he said as he saw the bridge make its way over.

He was hesitant at first but grabbed the porcelain mask and clipped it to the side of his waist, he stepped onto the bridge as it slowly departed from the cell, when he got over he stepped off the platform and looked around not seeing anyone.

He was extremely confused by this point, when the lava started lowering again to the height of his head he towards the levers only to see something faze through the wall and out of sight, he walked over to the wall pressing his hand up against it nothing happened.

"Maybe I'm seeing things, I've spent way too much time in this prison," he said to no one but himself rubbing his tired eyes, "Prison?, this can't be a prison, hold on I-I'm trying to find the best way to exit this place," the voice from earlier said.

Now he truly believed he was losing it, he saw another door open he walked through "who are you?" he asked again looking around for any indication of where the voice was coming from "me?, um, in all honesty, I not to sure myself" the voice finally answered him.

"ok, do you know who I am then?" Techno asked as he made his way through the corridors and such that belonged to the prison, "hm? oh of course your Techno, were friends" Techno was confused by this answer.

"ok," he said unsure and continued "and I'm a god of purity that loves government," he said sarcastically on to receive a giggle and a reply from the voice "no your not, and even if the god part was true wouldn't you prefer to be the blood god".

"I guess I would, anyways how're you opening all these things?" he questioned only to receive another laugh from the voice "you're nearly out", did I mention how confused Techno is.

They were in the main lobby of the prison now the voice sent Techno to go grab his things out of the lockers, "why are you helping me anyways?" the pinkette asked, "hurry up, we need to leave" the voice said completely ignoring the question til Techno repeated what he asked.

"oh! 'cause I don't like this place and you were stuck in here so you mustn't like it either," the voice said proudly that it was able to put two and two together.

"heh, your right I don't, where are you by the way I probably should've asked this earlier," Techno said looking around, "go through the portal" he followed the voice's instructions going through the portal and waiting as the voice told him to go through again.

He was outside the prison now he breathed in the fresh air it's been a week or so since he was able to do so "so mysterious voice can you come out now?" he asked but the voice didn't answer, he sighed and started making his way home sneaking his way back to the portal.
676 Word's

Started: 15th July 2021
Finished: 15th July 2021
Edited:29th July 2021

Sorry the first chapter is short I promise the other's will be longer -Cherry

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