Chapter 5: Daydream

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"What did you just call me?" 

"I called you Daydream"

"I won't do it again sorry"


He shot up as he woke, from what seemed to be just a dream, frantically looking around taking in his surroundings only now just realizing he was still outside curled up against the railing, that connected the two houses of Philza and Techno, with a blanket wrapped around him.

"you ok?" he looked up and saw Wilbur, occupying the spot on the steps where Philza had been sitting the previous night, looking over to him blankly.

"Where's Ranboo and Phil?" the ghostly being asked tilting his head to lean back onto the railing, "They've both gone to bed I believe" Wilbur spoke up still keeping his gaze locked onto Dream.

After the older finally looked away he asked "so your Dream?" the dirty blonde was confused at what he was getting at but answered anyway by nodding, "and you were voice, am I right?" the older asked.

"yes- what's your point?" Dream asked skeptically keeping his gaze locked onto the older who decided to lean back and lay on the wooden floor while tucking his hands behind his head.

ok um, better description, you're sitting on a table or something with your legs dangling off the edge then you lean back to lay down legs still in the same position then tuck your hands behind your head as if they're a pillow if you still don't get it like this:

ok um, better description, you're sitting on a table or something with your legs dangling off the edge then you lean back to lay down legs still in the same position then tuck your hands behind your head as if they're a pillow if you still don't g...

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(After reading the better description I found it hard to understand, so yeah picture)

He turned his head to face Dream "you look good for a ghost" the brunette admitted waiting for the younger to respond, Dream stared at him blankly before registering what Wilbur had said and as a result, he lifted his right hand to cover his eyes irritably.

After a while of silence, the younger peeked through his fingers to see if Wilbur was still there, he was, the brunette smiled at him and Dream just pulled this blanket over his head as his face began to grow a darker shade of grey.

He heard a door open most likely Techno's, if he bases it off where the sound originated from "Wilbur" the pinkette greets as he walks out the door closing it behind him, "mornin' Techno" said the brunette as he nodded his head slightly in his direction.

"What's with the uh-" the pinkette asked directing his attention towards where Dream was hiding, "hm? oh, that's just Voice, they fell asleep" Wilbur lied glancing over to the younger huddled underneath a blanket.

"don't stay outside for too long, I'm going out to get some resources I'll be back soon" He admitted before he continued walking down the steps and out into the wilderness.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Dream asked pulling the blanket off of his head, "because Phil told me not to, that's for you to do" he admitted before sitting up properly on the stairs staring out into the distance before looking back to the ghost.

"Want to go for a walk?" the older asked as he started getting up grabbing onto the railing for support, "mmm sure" Dream mumbled before getting up himself folding the blanket "Uhm where do I-", "You can just hang it onto the railing," Wilbur told him as he stepped down the stairs slowly watching as the younger followed.

"where are we headin'?" the ghost asked, floating not too far off of the ground, as he followed behind Wilbur "nowhere in particular just walking I suppose", "you suppose?" Dream questioned.

"I mean is there somewhere you'd like to go?" Wilbur asked slowing his pace so it matches the others, "mm, not particularly" the dirty blonde responded, "exactly, anyways I know a cliff nearby if you'd like to sit there for a while?" the older asked as the other answered by nodding his head "that'd be nice I guess" Dream added.

"It is, it has the best view around here, my own opinion of course" he admitted proudly as the other laughed, "could I ask you a question?" the younger of the two asked after calming down, "you just did" Wilbur laughed, "oh well I guess you're right, but anyways um do you know why Techno and I were in the darkroom?" he asked looking towards the older.

"do you mean the prison?" the brunette questioned, Dream went silent as he thought things through, "that was a prison" the ghost breathed out before going silent again.

"you're probably better off talking to Phil or Techno about that, I don't know much about the prison" Wilbur admitted before asking "so how did you uh, Did you wake up in there?", the ghost looked towards him before nodding.

 "yea I woke up in the orange it was warm, too warm I guess I was sleeping in there for too long, then I saw Techno kind of just sitting there in the black and purple, he looked sad I think" he admitted, Wilbur's smile faltered, only for a moment as he thought.

"⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜?" He was brought out of his thoughts and saw Dream staring at him "you stopped walking, are you okay?" the other questioned as Wilbur smiled "sorry, caught in my thoughts, did you say something?".

"Are we nearly there we've been walking for a while?" Dream asked, "nearly, we're getting close now" he answered as the ghost walked up ahead, "if we're close hurry up then old man" the ghost laughed as he sped up.

"Hey, I'm not that old!" he yelled back at the younger as he started to pick up his speed to match the others, "your grey hairs are showing!" The dirty blonde playfully insulted, "It's white and you know that!" Wilbur yelled despite being pretty much next to him as they both ran through the trees.

"What your out of breath already old man?" Dream commented as he slowly stopped, looking back towards the older who was bent over leaning on his knee gasping for air, "oh I'm sorry that I can't float like you can ⎅⏃⊬⎅⍀⟒⏃⋔" Wilbur barely said as he was still breathing heavily.

"What did you just call me?" Dream asked, generally confused, after going silent for a moment, "I called you Daydream, I won't do it again sorry" the brunette apologized as he started walking towards Dream.

"No I like it, Daydream, it has a ring to it don't you think" the younger admitted as Wilbur had finally caught up and they were both walking through the forest, "yea it does, My Daydream," the older said but continued before the other could say anything.

"anyways we're here, Dreamy I welcome you to a cliff" the older stated dramatically, "ah yes such a beautiful cliff I've never seen one just quite like it" the ghost joked as they climbed up.

1159 Word's

Started: 27th September 2021
Finished: 1st October 2021
Edited: 2nd October 2021

Totally didn't forget to name the chapter.

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