Chapter 7: Name

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Just a heads up constant swearing will be in this chapter and future chapters so this will probably be the only time I bring this up -Cherry:)

"So Phil, Wilbur, Ranboo then me?"
"mind if I tag along"
"mm, fine"
"So...- what's your name?"
"Do you seriously not remember me at all?"


"Dream?" The ghost heard a strained voice say as he slowly opened his eyes and he saw a blonde teen standing there not moving, he began to get worried as he realized he wasn't invisible.

"Dream?" He heard again by the same voice but it seemed more emotional this time as the ghost watched as the teen stood there in shock unsure what to make of this situation, the younger of the two turned and ran in the opposite direction not wanting to be near the other.

"h-hey wait" the ghost called out as he started to float after the younger holding tightly to his flowers trying his best not to drop them, "please wait- hey-" he tried calling out again but he had lost sight of the child.

"Sorry.." Dream apologized, quietly under his breath, he was about to turn and go back the way he came but much to his displeasure everything looked the same: trees, snow, and a rock or two every now and again.

Everything was silent, almost everything "I know you're here still, come out now" he called out trying to sound threatening but to no avail.

He looked over to one of the trees as the younger walked out hesitantly from his hiding spot and stood rigidly eyes not leaving the ghostly figure, "are you ok? I'm sorry for scaring you" the older blonde apologized waiting for the other to say something.

But after no response the older went silent as he began to think, "Why are you crying?" the once blonde male asked, "I'm not- what the fuck do you want you fuckin' green bastard" the blonde teen replied quietly as he lifted his hand up and wiped his face then turning his full attention back to the other.

"or not so green, what the fuck" the strange teen said to himself in disbelief relaxing a bit, he walked over to the older and circled him looking at him "Uhm I- uh Hello? my name is  Daydream it's nice to meet you," the ghost said in a friendly manner smiling at the younger.

He didn't reply this time either, "Are you ok? Here take a bit of my blue it's all I have to give you the purple was a gift so you can't have that" he apologized softly plucking a deep blue flower from his collection and held it out but after the other made no attempt to take it he just tucked it behind the teen's ear smiling.

(istg don't take it the wrong way this is not a ship I repeat this is not a ship, also how are you doing today? -Cherry)

"It matches your eyes," he said pleased with himself, "ok no what the fuck happened to you, why are you fuckin'" the younger trailed off.

"what're you doing out here at this time anyway shouldn't children be in bed at this time?" Dream asked breaking the younger out of his rambling, "what the fuck- I'm not a fucking child you fucking bastard- answer me first why are you out here of all places?" The teen asked after calming down.

"hm? well I was picking some flowers after the kid- Ranboo sorry, gave me purple" Daydream admitted smiling as he held his flowers forward for the younger to see, "wait Ranboo knows you're here," the teen asked gathering information.

"well not exactly, I was meant to stay with them, they were watching me after Wilbur told them to but... I ran off to collect some flowers that I saw earlier today then I saw you and now I seem to be lost" the transparent male admitted pulling his flowers back into his chest.

"who else knows your- well a ghost," the younger of the two asked "well Philza was the first to know" he trailed off thinking, "understandable I mean it's Philza" The blonde teen admitted, nodding his head, allowing the older to continue.

"And then I woke up and Wilbur was there so he was the second to know we went on a walk then Me and Ranboo officially met, Wilbur told them to watch me but then they gave me purple and I remembered I had seen more flowers earlier when me and Will were on a walk so I left to go find them and them boom I met you" the ghost giggled.

"So Phil, Wilbur, Ranboo then me?" the teen asked Dream only nodding as a confirmation, "oh but hold on technically Techno met me first but he couldn't see me so he didn't know it was me" the older added.

"and what about you, why are you all the way out here," Dream asked, "I- I was coming to visit Philza, I haven't seen him in a while," He told the other, only half of what he said being true.

"if you're heading that way would you mind if I tag along I've gotten a little bit lost" The ghost admitted, "mm, fine I guess it's ok," the teen said hesitantly as he started walking in what he believed to be the right direction

"So...- what's your name?" the older asked as they walked/floated next to each other, "Do you seriously not remember me at all?" the younger blonde asked glancing at the other before watching where he was walking again.

"Not real-" the ghost started before getting cut off by the other "Tommy, my name is Tommy" was all he said before going quiet again, the older smiled practically air jumping as he floated alongside Tommy.

"That's such a cool name, I'm Daydream and- I've already said that haven't I" Dream blurted in his excitement, Tommy laughed "yea you have" the ghost went silent for a moment due to embarrassment but ended laughing along anyway.

"oh look," the once dirty blonde said as he trailed off, "look Tommy, more purple" he finished gently plucking the flower from the ground "you sure like purple don't you?" the younger asked waiting as the other made his way back to him.

"And orange, I like orange as well but I haven't found any that I could bring with me yet" the ghost added making sure he hadn't dropped any of his flowers, "what do you mean bring with you, what have you found that you couldn't?" the teen asked, generally curious, with a smile still present on his face.
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Started: 21st November 2021
Finished: 19th December 2021
Edited: 20th/28th December 2021

Props to this person, I was originally going to make this chapter about Techno finding out about Dream, if I did it that way this story would've been discontinued purely because I didn't know how to continue it, But then I saw this comment and thought hmm Tommy?  and this is how we got to where we are now.

Props to this person, I was originally going to make this chapter about Techno finding out about Dream, if I did it that way this story would've been discontinued purely because I didn't know how to continue it, But then I saw this comment and tho...

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Also Merry Christmas and Happy New year! <3
-Cherry :)

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