Chapter 4: Dream?

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(this chapter is pretty much just a dialogue chapter)
"Excuse me?"


"Um they're outside"

"Not again"

"Does this happen often?"
Techno sat on the couch with Wilbur in silence it was starting to get awkward until the brunette spoke up "so Techno..." he trailed still holding onto the inconspicuous figure the piglin hybrid had named Voice.

"hm?" Techno hummed looking away from the fire that was crackling in the fireplace, "You were with Dream?" the brunette asked looking towards the pink-haired male as he struggled to sit up straight due to the being on his lap.

"yep, almost three weeks I think," Techno said resting his head onto his hand looking towards the older, "why?..." the piglin hybrid questioned lowering his tone.

"Hey, hey I mean no ill intent I swear on my life," Wilbur said trying to dial down the conversation 'cause truthfully he did mean no harm.

"Techno I'm going to be honest with you right now, in truth my heart is beating because of Dream, I'm not sure if you know this but he brought me back!" He exclaimed throwing his hands in the air then bringing them back down to snuggle into Voice.

Techno laughed "I'm alive Techno!, That man revived me, I survived fourteen long years at the station and- and-" he stopped 'cause of lack of air but he stood up, Voice still in his arms, twirling around smiling and laughing.

The pink-haired male smiled watching the older, it reminded him of when he was younger, Wilbur was Wilbur again smiling and laughing without a care in the world like before L'manburg, before the SMP.

He heard the door open Wilbur seemed to not care as his father came back inside who had a worried expression on his face Techno was going to mention it but decided against it as the old man started laughing taking notice of his son's antics.

"oh? better stop before I give the old man a heart attack" the brunette commented still laughing as he placed Voice down in front of the fireplace. 

"Says you, at least I don't have any grey hairs yet" he laughed gesturing to the brunette's hair as it was once vibrant chocolate brown colour was now more of a burnt sienna colour with a colourless streak through it.

"it's white, what are you blind now too?" he asked mockingly as the older just rolled his eyes while Techno on the other hand watched as the father and son interacted smiling into his hand.
(time skip sorry, later that night)

Philza woke to the sound of his bedroom door opening he sat up rubbing the sleep out of one of his eyes, "excuse me?" he looked towards the door to see a transparent figure.

His eyes widened "Dream...?" The older man mumbled trying to see him better, "um they're outside" the figure at the door said quietly pulling at their sleeve, Phil turned and saw the enderman hybrid standing in the snow.

"Not again" he mumbled, he slipped past the figure by his door making his way out of the house slowly as the transparent figure followed "does this happen often?" the once invisible being asked as they leaned on the railing that connected the two houses.

"It hasn't happened for a while before now" The older male answered as he stretched his arms as he sat on the steps that faced the teen's house.

They sat in silence watching as the teen walked around the lawn picking up grass blocks every once and a while and moving them around, "should we help them?" Dream asked, "Nah it's better to let them get it out of his system" the winged male said looking towards Dream only now getting a proper look at them.

His skin was pale almost grey while his hair hung almost down to his shoulders it was a darker grey, unkempt and messy, he was wearing a green sweater with a black turtleneck under it, he was also wearing a pair of black ripped jeans.

"why?" the older male asked, "why what?" the translucent figure asked turning his attention towards him "why didn't you show yourself earlier, why now?" he asked turning his attention towards the hybrid who is staring off into the distance with a grass block in hand.

"mm, I felt bad" Voice or who we now know as Dream admitted, "you felt bad?" Phil asked generally confused "I was going to but the way the kid reacted to hearing my name- my alive self's name I just decided it would be better if I didn't," he said watching the teen.

"You mean Ranboo?, mm I guess so yea..." the winged male trailing off "I wasn't a good person was I?" the younger asked turning his attention to the sky, "you had good intentions just went about it the wrong way" he admitted.

"I'm still Dream just glowie, see-through and missing a few memory's" he admitted holding his hands out in front of him looking at them as they glowed ever so slightly, "would that affect Ranboo?" he asked.

"I'm not sure but I believe they already know" Phil admitted standing up, "were they upset?" the younger asked as the older started walking towards his house.

"I don't know they're hard to read but I think they were relieved to some extent," the winged male said before he asked, "did you want a drink or can you not cause you're a ghost?".

"let's find out" was all the younger said as Phil just laughed and said "Alright then mate" before walking inside, Dream stayed put observing his surroundings taking in details that he didn't see earlier it doesn't hurt to where know things are.

When Philza came back outside he spotted Dream circling the area but stopping to get a closer look at Ranboo the older did nothing but wait for him to finish standing by the steps, two drinks in his hands one coffee the other hot chocolate.

When the younger took notice of the winged man he made his way back towards the house, "sorry I like knowing where things are and I wanted to get a closer look at Ranboo" he admitted the older smiled.

"it's alright mate, here," he said holding the hot chocolate out to him, the once masked male took the drink thanking the other than taking a sip.

The older male finally saw Dream's face, he had dull dark green eyes that were once a vibrant emerald green while freckles littered his face with a few small scars here and there.

When he came back to reality the younger was just waiting patiently "oh sorry bout that I didn't mean to stare, just haven't actually seen your face since you were a child" he admittedly apologized.

"don't apologize, Mr. Minecraft, Philza," he said taking another sip as the other laughed, "oh, what about Wilbur, will he be upset?" the dirty blonde asked changing the subject while leaning against the railing and slowly shrinking to the floor curling his legs to his chest.

"If I'm honest I don't know much about you and Will's relationship before he died but Ghostbur was fond of you I think and Wilbur now sees you as his hero of sorts he admires you" the blonde admitted cringing at his son's behavior.

"because I revived him?" Phil stood there silent before speaking up "so it was you" he asked then started to silently thank the younger.

"So he'd be happy to see me?" the translucent male asked as the older walked over to the stairs to take a seat where he was seated previously, "yea he'd be overjoyed not sure how'd he feel about you being a ghost though, none the less he'd be ecstatic to meet you again".

"what about Techno? I remember him a lot actually but.. how do you think he'd react?" the ghost asked, "He'd say that he was fine and be all casual about it but in reality, he'd be so torn about it" Phil admitted, "oh.." was all he replied with looking into his drink.
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Started: 18th August 2021
Finished: 29th August 2021
Edited: 9th-18th September 2021

An Untitled Story // Ghost DreamWhere stories live. Discover now