Chapter 6: A Memory

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"I'm sorry, I'll come with you to look for him"

*Rustle Rustle*



The two had been sitting together for quite a while, legs dangling off of the cliff's edge, talking about random topics of interest getting to know each other once more.

A moment of silence takes hold of them once more as they watch the sun slowly start to sink hiding itself by the horizon, "I don't like it" the ghost quietly mumbled breaking the silence, eyes not moving to stay focused on the melting sky, "the sun setting?" Wilbur asked perking up before turning his gaze to the ghost.

"I don't like endings" the ghost admitted quietly, all energy from earlier slowly melting away. The older stayed quiet, he was surprised, "Do you remember that?" he asked sitting up properly turning himself to look at the ghost entirely.

"hm? what do you mean?" the younger asked, he seemed confused, "ah never mind then, sorry" the brunette apologized looking down at his hands before turning back toward the sun getting lost in the warm colors.

A moment of silence takes hold of them as they watch the sun slowly start to sink hiding behind the horizon, "I don't really like sunsets that much" Dream spoke up breaking the silence, eyes not moving to stay focused on the melting sky, "you don't?" Wilbur had asked turning his gaze to the younger.

"I much prefer sunrises myself" the blonde admitted, he closed his eyes as a smile slowly grew onto his face from behind the porcelain mask, leaning back onto his hands "a fresh start, a new beginning, the start of something new" he finished.

"I see what you mean, but in that sense, the sunset would be the end, the end of a stale day, the end of something immemorial" Wilbur spoke off of the top of his head turning back towards the sun, the younger male laughed quietly in the result.

The older had turned back towards Dream after his laughter had stopped only to see dream was still sitting in the same spot legs still slowly swinging back and forth but he wasn't the same he became a more desaturated version of himself.

"sorry" the once blonde male apologized, "hm? what for?" the other asked confused. "I'm not Dream anymore" he admitted fiddling with his hands "don't apologize I know you aren't, you're Daydream ghost of the mighty Dream" Wilbur laughed the younger soon joining too.

"We should start heading back now before daylight is completely gone," the brunette said as he started to get up, helping the other up as well, a smile still present on both of their faces.

When the pair arrived back at the fenced-off homes, the sun was almost completely submerged behind the many trees.

"Wilbur?" they heard a voice say as they squeezed through two fence pailings, that were left apart for that purpose alone, He looked up and saw the two-toned teen, who had been tending to the cows in their pen.

"Ranboo? hello," Wilbur greeted the younger while Dream stood to the side awkwardly feeling the teen's gaze on him, "so I was right?" the youngest breathed out nearly audible.

"Ranboo meet Daydream, Daydream meet Ranboo" Wilbur excitedly introduced the two, "so you're a ghost?" the enderman hybrid asked the ghost questioningly "um, I believe I am yes" Dream confirmed.

"I need to go find Phil, could you keep an eye on him, Ranboo?," the brunette told him, rather than asked him, as he began walking off towards the two conjoined houses "I'm not a child, I don't need to be watched!" the ghost yelled to him as he didn't even look back.

"sorry" Dream apologized to the teen, "don't be, I could use some company if you're fine with that" the two-toned hybrid offered, "I would love to, thank you" the slightly glowing figure thanked.

There was an awkward silence between the two before the older spoke up "I know you didn't have good relations with me in the past and-" the ghost stopped himself from rambling "how-" the younger stopped, "you seemed off at the mention of my name and presence" the once blonde male explained.

"Sorry, hold on" Ranboo apologized as they searched through their inventory, "here," they said as they handed a flower to the ghost, an allium, the older stared at it for a few minutes before floating off, leaving the other confused.

"okay?" they said still confused as they just went back to feeding the cows, after they finished they went back inside of their house to wash up, they promised to help the father figure make dinner as an apology for the previous night.

"Phil" Ranboo called out as they entered the winged man's house, "Give me a minute mate" they heard the older blonde's voice from above them.

The teen not wanting to invade the father figure's home kind of just stood by the door awkwardly until the older male came downstairs with his eldest son in tow "Ranboo, you could've taken a seat while you waited you know" Philza told the younger.

"I prefer standing, thank you anyways though Phil," the ender hybrid told the older as they both walked towards the kitchen, "I'm just going to finish unpacking then, see you later Phil," the brunette told his father before grabbing his coat off of the armrest of the sofa before heading upstairs.

(a bit of a time skip, after Ranboo and Phil finished cooking Wilbur came down looking for Dream)
"I'm sorry, I'll come with you to look for him" the teen apologized, "Both of you calm down he'll be fine, he can take care of himself," The winged male told the younger two, half believing his own words.

(Meanwhile with Dream)
The ghost hummed quietly as it floated back into the forest Wilbur had taken him through earlier that afternoon, he remembered seeing more flowers somewhere along the treeline that seemed similar to the flower Ranboo had given him.

About ten or so minutes later Dream had found some flowers right where he thought they were but they looked completely different from what he remembers, he remembers these beautiful amethyst colored flowers that shone in the daylight but these are a lovely golden color not exactly what he was looking for but still beautiful none the less.

He settled for the golden flowers as he knelt down and started picking them gently, he stopped humming as he spotted more flowers of a different color further down into the forest and grabbed his small bouquet of bright yellow flowers and singular deep purple one.

The ghost knelt down at the new patch of flowers these being a deep blue and glossy white with yellow buds. As he began mirroring his actions, from when he picked the previous ones.

He smiled widely at his newfound collection of flowers, He scooped them up into one bouquet and stood up still marveling at the beauty of the flowers till he heard a rustling of bushes and the snapping of sticks.

His curiosity wanted him to stay and find out what's making that noise while his instincts were telling him to run and not look back. 

The ghost was about to turn and start running in the opposite direction, to the houses of his newfound(?) friends, until he heard more noise from that side as well. The once blonde ghost was confused but mostly terrified.

He froze in his spot flowers in hand as whatever it was grew closer on both sides, he shut his eyes tightly and waited, "Dream?".

1250 Word's

Started:  6th November 2021
Finished: 10th November 2021
Edited: 14th November 2021

This should've been posted on the 14th sorry!
Realized I didn't publish this chapter like a week ago when I had finished it so sorry!

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