Chapter 3: So Warm!

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"The warden is working with him"

"What, no wait with who?"


"How do you know that for a fact"

"Do we need evidence?"

The two that were standing, Philza and Ranboo started to laugh at the others awkwardness "Don't laugh at me" he said with a joking tone looking away and out the trap door windows, he thought he saw someone but brushed it off as 'just the snow'.

"Sorry, sorry" the youngest apologized trying to calm himself, "what did you find mate?" Phil asked walking closer to him taking a seat on the armchair with Ranboo not far behind claiming a spot on the rug in front of the fireplace.

"The warden is working with him" the pink-haired male said staring into the fire, the oldest hummed understanding who Techno had meant based on some previous events while Ranboo just sat there blinking confused.

"What, no wait with who?" he asked still confused, "Quackity" they heard a voice say as they walked through the door "Wilbur" Techno greeted the older as he came and sat down next to him joining the conversation.

"How do you know that for a fact" the blonde asked leaning back into the chair, "Do we need evidence?" Wilbur said showing a dislike for the man.

"did you know he has a country now too?" he added rolling his eyes, "oh yea I know it's near the outpost, he's very territorial I think the term is..." the half and half teen trailed off noticing the porcelain mask behind Techno start levitating(?).

The others taking notice of this quite quickly, "stop it" Techno ordered grabbing the mask with his left hand and whacking the invisible force's head with it.

"ow..." they heard as Techno placed the mask back down onto the side table gently, "Techno?" Phil asked as the other two sat in silence or shock, most likely shock.

"what?" he asked looking towards the group again, "please don't pretend that that didn't just happen" the oldest said moving his hand in a circular movement in the direction of Techno.

"oh to answer your question from earlier, meet voice they helped me escape" Techno introduced pointing to the area where they were a moment before, "Voice?" the brunette asked sitting up straight looking towards him in disbelief.

"did you not just see the mask float?" the pig-like hybrid asked, "let's say I didn't, Voice hug me" he said the last bit quickly and with a smile on his face, and after a few moments his smile faltered looking towards Techno.

He closed his eyes in annoyance "go ahead" he said as the brunette felt an unusual amount of heat engulf his body, he felt the weight of someone cling onto him.

He giggled with his mouth closed before stating "so warm!", Techno smiled into his hand he didn't know much about Wilbur after he got revived but he seemed like was content cuddling into the other.

Phil laughed into his hand leaning on it to support his weight as he watched his son, Ranboo quietly watched as the scene unfold unsure what to make of this situation but smiled along nonetheless.

"who is Voice, Techno?" Ranboo asked, "dunno I woke up alone in prison dream nowhere to be seen and voice helped me escape though annoyed me for a good portion of the trip back here" he admitted tilting his head from side to side as he spoke

"so Dream isn't in prison anymore?!" both Wilbur and Ranboo said in unison completely different emotions about the matter one seemed generally happy the other nervous and frigidity, "I mean unless he's invisible" the pig-like hybrid shrugged.

After what Techno just said though he meant it as a joke something flicked into the teen's mind he'll have to talk to Phil later in private he just had to confirm something first.

"How did 'Voice' get you out without all of the alarms going off?" he asked, "mmm honestly don't know at first I just thought they were just one of many I already had" he admitted Phil nodding understanding what he meant.

"ok.." he trailed off not getting an actual answer, "Ranboo does have a point though, hey voice how'd you get Techno out?" Wilbur asked looking at the space next to him where Voice was sitting, still holding onto the inconspicuous figure.

"mm it wasn't that hard just confusing I had to go through a few walls it makes my skin crawl a bit when I do that though" they admitted waving their hands around as they spoke not that the others could see it though.

The teen nodded getting the answer that put him at ease but also made him nervous, "fair enough, I mean I love going through walls it also makes me feel powerful as I just plough through them" the teen joked trying to throw off any suspicion that he may have gained.

He didn't want to alarm Techno who seemed to have a good relationship with the masked blonde.

"thank you for letting me stay for a few hours I had fun but I do have to go it's getting late" the half ender hybrid said before yawning, "Jesus Ranboo don't ever open your mouth that wide again" Techno joked.

He laughed "ok, ok I won't- but Phil.. can we have a quick talk about Avondeten before I go" the black and white teen said getting up and walking towards the door, Techno looked at the older only to receive a shrug as he got up and left with the teen.

"Avondeten is his rabbit yea?" the brunette asked looking towards the younger sitting next to him, Techno shrugged "I know just as much as you do" he stated.

Phil walked out into the cold closing the door behind him "Mate we've talked about this, I thought your rabbit died ages ago?" he asked looking at the younger, "they did it was an excuse, um you don't think Voice could be Dream do you?" Ranboo asked.

"How could they be Dream?" the blonde male asked, "Ghost of Dream, y'know like how Ghostbur was" the teen better explained Phil didn't say anything realising the similarities the two have "how am I going to tell Techno" he said under his breath after he put everything together.

"How good of a relationship did those two have?" the ender hybrid asked, the older crossed his arms "they've been rivals and best friends ever since they were kids I believe" he said.
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Started: 3rd August 2021
Finished: 3rd August 2021
Edited: 5th August 2021

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