Chapter 2: Home

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Technoblade's POV





"Oh my Techno?!"


He held in a breath as he walked through the portal that shimmered a luminescent purple colour, He stepped out the other side and felt the burning heat that reminded him of the distressing two weeks he had just endured.

Despite originating from the dangerous hell-like dimension he held onto a few dreadful memories which stuck to him like glue most of the time he was in the dimension.

He looked around as he stepped out of the hell-ish gateway he glanced around as he attempted to find the right path which would lead him to his home.

After finding the path he slowly walked along the path avoiding any threats that could potentially harm him in his weakened state.

As he neared the portal he would exit from he spotted a small group of piglin's spread out near the portal, he scoffed at them giving them a disdainful look as he stepped into the portal.

"How could they just be ok with standing around in that blistering heat" he heard the voice say shuddering at the thought, as he came out of the portal stepping into the snow, he missed the numbing sensation the snow gave him whenever he stepped out into it.

"Because their mindless being's who have nothing to live for other than serve those who give them gold" he said in spite of the pig-like beings who reside in the hellish dimension.

"That's a bit mean, no?" the voice mentioned as Techno trudged through the snow ignoring the voice as his vision became blurrier as he became closer to his home, "why are following me? who even are you?" he blurted becoming irritated mostly because of his current situation.

The voice went quiet for a moment possibly thinking of an answer "Techno?" it asked, "hmm?" he hummed in response calming himself by staring at his feet as he trudged through the snow.

"Sorry..." it spoke, Techno stopped, looked around then continued on his way humming once more for the voice to continue but nothing came he waited for another moment looking around again but this time noticing a small patch of green shining through the snow and walked up to it.

When he came up to it he bumped into something almost falling back into the snow, "ow" the voice spoke, he blinked a couple of times before lifting his right hand and placing it on what he'd assume was a shoulder.

"is-... was that you?" he asked as he felt the figure fade away and his hand fell back beside him, there was no response from the voice he looked down at the before mentioned patch of green turns out its grass.

The grass had a growing rose on it he was confused "Voice?" he called but he got no response, he sighed looking at the flower one more time before continuing on making a mental note to talk to Phil about it later.

He could see his house along with Philza's whose was next to his, the closer he got the harder it got, he saw Phil "Philza...?" he spoke leaning on the fence that surrounded their homes.

"Techno?!" the voice who was behind him said as he fell to his knees, "Technoblade?" said a different voice from before this time it came from in front of him on the inside of the fence, he looked up and saw a cloaked figure approach him, it reminded him of Dream.

"Oh my Techno?!" he heard as he collapsed into the snow, vision fading to black, he looked towards the figure once more seeing a half and half hybrid rushing towards him "Ranboo...?".

Ranboo's POV
"Technoblade?" he questioned as he saw a pink-haired figure at the fence, the figure looked up at him as he started to approach them he looked exhausted leaning on the fence for support.

"Oh my Techno?!" Ranboo said running up to Techno as he collapsed into the snow, Techno looked up and towards Ranboo "Ranboo...?" the pink-haired male said as he slowly closed his eyes.

"Techno?! Hey, Techno come on open your eyes!" he said jumping the fence and leaning down next to Techno noticing the familiar mask clipped to the older's waist and the lack of his scarlet cape he'd always seemed to be wearing.

"Phil!" Ranboo called out to the older, "Phil!, Help!" he called out as he saw the older man rushing down the stairs of his house quickening his pace when he saw the passed-out figure of one of his close friends.     

Technoblade's POV
"Dream?..." he mumbled as he woke up looking around the room panicking realizing that he's no longer inside the dark obsidian box which he called home for about a week or two or the fact that his roommate and friend was nowhere to be seen.

"Dre-" he tried to call out to the other but choked most likely from the lack of hydration which made his throat hoarse and sore, 'he's dead- no he's alive he has to be' he thought calming himself as he started observing his surroundings.

He felt a hand rubbing circles on his back hugging him when he looked and saw none other than the enderman hybrid himself, "Mate?" he heard the familiar voice of Phil, He was home.

Philza the older male walked over to give him a glass of water before retreating to his spot standing on the threshold that separated the kitchen and the living area.

He laid his head down onto Ranboo's who was hugging him tightly, nuzzling into his shoulder "Ranboo?" he asked and the figure hugging him hummed quietly as a response, "Techno" the Philza said the younger's name, Techno looked up watching him.

"Are you ok?" he asked as the younger sat up, Ranboo got up from the couch and walked next to Phil "yeah- I dunno, I'm most likely all intact still" he said looking down at himself he was wearing what he usually minus the cape and boots.

"You were with Dream?..." Ranboo asked hesitantly he used his eyes to direct Techno's vision to the accent table where the porcelain mask sat, the piglin hybrid then realized he still doesn't know what happened to the blonde.

"where is he?, do you know where he is?" he asked rather quickly, the youngest in the room was surprised at the other and began fidgeting with the sleeves of his suit "Techno how did you escape?" the older man asked him.

"Phil, do you know where he is" he asked more firmly, "we don't know what happened with Dream, we haven't heard anything" he said softening his tone as he finished his sentence.

"Techno, are you ok?" The enderman hybrid asked the pink-haired male was confused "why wouldn't I be?" he asked the younger confused but then realized the past Ranboo has had with the other.

"i- never mind" Ranboo started but didn't finish, Philza stared at Ranboo softening his gaze "you can go if you'd like, you've done enough" the winged man said tilting his head towards the door giving him a smile.

"I'm-, no thanks, Phil, I'm fine but thank you for the offer" the ender hybrid told him returning the smile, "so... I found out some maybe helpful info" Techno said awkwardly.
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Started: 29th July 2021
Finished: 3rd August 2021
Edited: 3rd August 2021

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