chapter nine: lipgloss

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We all came inside. It was past Dylan's bedtime. She goes to sleep so early.

I'm on the couch when everyone finally goes into their rooms.

I'm gonna have to find a new spot to hide out because Quinn will sit with me. I cant have him by me. Last night was the only exception.

I grab my book and open to a random page. 119.

They're riding their bikes to school. She knows she likes him but doesn't admit it to herself. You can tell. The way it's written, and the way it's described as "electric currents" when they touch.

I wish they'd fell in love sooner.

He sits down next to me. I must have been really into what I was reading because I didn't notice him.

I should have hid faster. I still can.

No Vera you can't. Not even if you wanted to.

I don't even think I want to anymore. I really should, like really really should. I scold myself because I don't mind his company. He's the only friend that's asked me if I'm alright.

I don't need anyone to be there for me all the time. Hell, I don't even want to be here for myself.

So why would Quinn?

"Inside tonight?" He breaks the silence.

"For now." I really want to ask him why he slept on the couch. I just keep my mouth shut. It's very hard to do.

He's looking at me and I want to tell him to look somewhere else, ask him what his problem is. But I'm guessing it would be best if I didn't.

He moves his eyes down to my book. He's probably thinking that I don't know he's read it.

I do mr sir. I do.

"How many times have you read that book?"

"Don't know."

"Oh come on you don't have any idea?" I think I do. But he doesn't need to know I've read it a million times.

"Unfortunately I don't believe you."

"That must suck." I'm not telling him.

"It does actually."


"Can I see it?"

I hand it to him. He looks at the front cover. Why is he still pretending he's never read it? He flips it over and reads the back.

This motherfucker is good.

"You're really fucking stupid," I tell him.

"Oh I am, am I?"

"Uh huh," I agree.

"That's because?"

"Because I know you've read it dumbass." He looks surprised.

"You know this, how?"

Well shit Vera you didn't think this through did you?

"I didn't. But now I do! You've proved your stupidity once again."

"Mhmm," he says and I stand up. "Where are you going?"

"Crazy wanna come?"

"Yes," he replies.

"I was only joking. Don't follow." I smile and head out the back door.

Just like I told him not to, he follows. But then again I wasn't expecting anything different.

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