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Before the dark night traps me in, don't leave me~ Blackpink Stay

I heard the smiley guy's voice behind me sigh loudly and his friend laugh at him. I looked at the voice and tried to match a name and a face and saw Minnie from my homeroom sat there and she said, "Sorry, I just didn't know you was in here. But hey Emma," she leaned in closer, "I would advise you not to talk to them guys. Sixeng went out with one and I swear she still has dibs." I laughed quietly, "She doesn't anymore though. And you can't own a person, the law says so." I turned around to face the two guys and said, "Sorry about that. Your are?" The smiley one grinned at his friend triumphantly and said, "I'm Hongjoong. This is-" He was cut off again but this time from his friend who said, "I'm San." I said okay and all that baloney and then turned my chair a little so I wasn't breaking my neck every time I turned around.

"Miss Wang, could you turn your chair around to face the front please." The Math Teacher said, I forget his name. I looked at the teacher straight in the eye and said, "I'd rather not. The front is boring, these boys are way more interesting," the two boys smirked a little, "also, what if I'm not Miss. You inappropriately named me so why should I answer to you?" The Teacher was a little taken aback but tried to stand their ground, "You are too young to get married." I shrugged and said, "Not really. Anyways, what if it was an arranged marriage? Or a marriage in the UK or the states or Turkey? They can get married early I think." The Teacher just decided to send me out of the room but I decided not to go, "Free will and all. God gave us it for a reason. Or whatever religion I believe in now." The Teacher gave me a detention but why would I go with God on my side? I turned to talk to the boys and even Minnie and Soul were fully invested in what I said, "Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah. How's that for a first impression?"


I walked to eat in the cafeteria and as I went to sit with Twice, I felt something cold trickle down my back and I shivered, not from the cold but from the shock. By now, the place was silent and you could hear a camera being started on a not so quiet shushing. You could also only just hear someone munching on something. I took three guesses who it was but only needed one as I turned around and saw Sixeng standing there with an empty glass in hand and a face like thunder. "How dare you. You dare to steal my San." I raised an eyebrow, so that's what this was about. I looked at Minnie and she did the I-told-you-so face. I thought Hongjoong was more her type anyway.

I looked Sixeng straight in the eyes and said, "As a matter of fact. I didn't steal anyone. Who told you this? And your San, really? That's not what he told me." She growled at me and pushed me slightly, "Roseanna told me, she's in your Math and my gang." She whispered the last part. I shrugged, "Yeah but she's an idiot so she must have misheard it. Dealer's are always the stupidest, giving the worst deals." No offense other dealers. She screeched in frustration and I leant in whispered to her, "This is not like a mafia at all. More like a teenage bitch at high school or middle school." She gave me one last look before I grabbed someone's water bottle and poured water all over her hair. She obviously rushed off nearly crying.

Her followers rushed after her and I sort of cat-walked towards Twice, Big Bang playing in the back of my mind. When I sat down, there seemed to be a play button and everyone went back to doing what they normally do and as I grabbed one of my fries the girls got for me, I looked in the direction of San and Hongjoong's table. They all looked at me, even the ones I didn't know and Hongjoong did a little smile and put his thumbs up causing me and the girls all to melt and smile back. As we started to talk between ourselves, Momo said, "Is what Sixeng said actually true? You looked kinda guilty as charged." I shook my head then thought for a second and then moved my hands so I did the i.n the middle motion. I think Nayeon choked on one of her strawberries and as someone was doing the patting on the back thing, I hurriedly said, "Well not really just, I was talking to them during that lesson and I talked to him about her and he actually doesn't like her anymore." Nayeon nodded, pleased with that answer, obviously not pleased with the first one.

Mina was sat in front of me and she looked upwards slowly and my fries had suddenly become shadowed so I said, "Hello person." I heard a small laugh that was quickly stifled and as I turned around I saw three boys, one Sicheng, one Yangyang and one Xiaojun. I put my head in my hands, I couldn't afford to deal with these boys today. "How can I help you?" I asked in my nice-fake voice. Xiaojun didn't look very impressed with me but who does? Yangyang was trying to look serious but I could tell he wanted to smile at us and Sicheng said, "What was that all about Wang?" I was confused, why does he care? Chaeyoung seemed to be thinking along the same lines because she said, "Why jealous?" Sicheng pulled a disgusted face and I acted hurt and put a hand on my heart. Yangyang laughed again but was elbowed in the ribs. I sighed, "Yangyang sweetie, would you like to sit with us?" He was about to answer but Xiaojun said, "No he wouldn't." Sana stood up, "I didn't know you was also called Yangyang. And stop elbowing people with your sharp elbows." Xiaojun said, "You better watch who you're talking to. And you too new girl." I gasped loudly and he smirked.

Jeongyeon asked, "Why should we be careful?" I could tell Mina was trying not to look at me because I knew she believed my theories now. Dahyun said, "I don't know but- are you okay Emma?" The girls looked at me and I kept quiet and stared at my plate, "That was a distraction." They all frowned at me. Jihyo asked, "For what? What do you know Wang? Wang? Emma Wang?" We suddenly heard a loud explosion and saw the glass of the windows shattered and the wall crumbling. 

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