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A/N: So it doesn't get confusing, memories are underlined.

He says he's struggling because of me~ Twice Cheer Up

I saw Doyoung aiming his gun at me and just in that moment as I stopped to look, I could feel it. I was shot. My eyes flew open and I stood up as straight as I could, glaring at the boy in front of me. Someone in a mask shouted, "Come on Doyoung, the cops are coming." Doyoung ran off and there was footsteps behind me a girl's voice this time asked, "Has he gone? We need to get him back for all the pain he's caused us. It's his fault that Emma's gone." I paused, almost frozen and listened to the girl's voices talking, I hid in the shadows. A quieter female voice said, "Now she doesn't even know us. Her brother must have tampered with her or WayV or..." her voice must have given up. That's the second time someone has mentioned my brother messing with me, or more specifically my brain, I might start to believe this Doyoung. 

I still didn't know whether to move or not but it sounded as if the girls were gone and I knew the boys were gone. With a cinammon roll in one hand and a cappucino in another, I practically ran home to confront my brother and his friends. I knew that it maybe isn't the best way to go about it but I needed answers and if what Doyoung said was true, I need my memories back. There was no need to knock on the door when I got back because the door was already open and I saw the boys moving things into a truck that was outside. "Going somewhere?" I asked the only person I hadn't spoken to yet. He shook his head, "I'm Youngjae by the way, we needed to put this extra stuff away so I took it upon myself to do it." I watched a man lift a bag up and put it into his truck and asked Youngjae, "Do you know where Jackson is?" He pointed to the window and I looked that way and saw Jackson in the dining room doing something with the chandelier. 

I walked into the dining room and as I was about to say something Jackson spotted me, placed a screwdriver on the table and said, "I was looking for you everywhere, I need to tell you something. Mum and dad want to see us. They asked for us to go to Thailand but I said we were busy so they came here. Crazy right?" I let my jaw hang open in shock, our parents left us years ago and suddenly they want to see us? It doesn't make sense. Jackson continued and said, "In fact, I said we would meet with them today. They said they would make a reservation in a restaurant and- are you okay?"  I was practically on the floor, in pain, the headaches were more prominent and I saw: "Your parents want to see you, isn't that good?" Tzuyu asked. I looked dead at her and my expression seemed to convey what I was thinking but then after I felt bad for glaring like that I patted her arm.

As if in a movie, the scene changed and, Momo shrugged, "We usually just buy take out or go to a cafe or something." I raised my eyebrows in surprise and grabbed my bag I take to school and said, "Tell the others I went for food and then went straight to school." My head hurt, who was Momo? Did I live with her at one point. I could feel the hard floor starting to take it's toll and could feel arms trying to lift me up but every part of me seared with white hot pain. "Stop," I whispered. The arms that were trying to get me to stand up let me down gently on the floor and as my head touched the floor, "Hey Wang. Do you want to hang out at mine tonight with the girls?" This elicited a mix of reactions and confused, I said, "Sure, and it's Emma by the way."

I could finally open my eyes and I saw three boys stood above me all of their eyes looking down at mine. Youngjae asked, "What happened?" I don't know why but I didn't want them to know about these visions I was having. It just seemed like a bad idea. I answered, "I might just feel a little ill. I'll be better tomorrow probably." The other two, Jackson and Jay B looked concerned but not for me, they kept glancing at each other and communicating silently. Jackson said, "We can cancel on our parents if you'd like." I shook my head. This would be the perfect opportunity to say what I need to say and then confront Jackson. Jay B looked at me one last time, shrugged and said, "You heard the girl, she doesn't wanna cancel and she'll be better tomorrow. Come on Youngjae, we need to get rid of the last of the stuff."


"You good?" Jackson asked me. We'd dressed up for the occasion and we were stood outside a restaurant called Kingdom. I walked in first, eager to get this over with and looked around, a staff guy said, "Do you have a reservation?" Jackson said, "We're with Wang." The staff guy told us to follow him and we followed him to a table with two people sat at it I hardly recognized. There was a woman with short hair and rather tanned and a warm smile. My mother had long hair and was ghostly because she said she hated socializing and she was as cold as ice. The man had dark brown hair and crinkles from smiling and a ring on his wedding finger. My father had light hair and was almost as unhappy as my mother and hated his wedding ring because it reminded him of 'contracts' and 'marital ties'. It seemed Jackson was surprised at their changes too.

"How are you dear? I hope you don't mind we ordered your drinks and your food. We didn't want you to have to wait," my mother started off the conversation and it was a nice thought but I wasn't here for the food. I started off with saying, "You've changed." My dad smiled and said, "Thailand does wonders. You should really come one day and visit us and our cafes." I rolled my eyes and said, "Why should I come to you when you didn't come to me for almost five years. No contact, no birthday card, no calls. Nothing." My mum said, this time it seemed she was having a hard time smiling, "We've been busy Ka-ying. It's for us and for you." She was half right, it was just for herself actually. Maybe she could have done it for dad though but that was a big maybe. I turned to Jackson and said, "I want to remember please." 

It was cliche I know but as soon as I said that, everything came rushing to me and Jackson looked half terrified half confused. "What do you mean?" he questioned. I sighed, not wanting to have to spell it out. I said, "Twice. JYP. My project. The gang. Getting shot. Altering my memory. Why?" His reaction was amazing, he dropped his fork, and rushed off, probably to message his gang or something. My mum looked mortified and whispered, "He did what? What gang? Has any money gone into this?" My dad on the other hand to a nicer, more caring approach and he said, "You were shot and had your memory altered? Are you okay?" I stood up, seeing my parents for the last time in my life, and said goodbye. Walking off and ignoring their shouts.

I needed to see Twice.

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