chapter ₀₀₁

45 1 1

"Mother, I'm be going now I should be back before Tee comes with her family, also can you watch Mei she was being fussy since she woken up from her nap." I said to my mother as I was walking down the mountain. I lived on Mt. Sagiri. Mr. Urokodaki also live in these mountains but at the foot he comes time to time to visit and have dinner. I had to go to town to buy medicine supplies since my family are known as the medics to the demon slayer corps. Yup thats right we already knew there where demons eating people. My ancestors used to be demon slayers but since our ancient breathing techniques were lost we had to use other ancient family methods with was healing humans wounds as if there were like demons but still rest to fully recover mentally. 

-time skip to the mountains and back-

I was about to pass Mr. Urokodaki home when he told me to get in his house. I did as told since he probably smelled a demon b-but were is my family alright is tee family alright. I was getting worried but I calmed back down when I heard a knock on the door as I went to open it, I saw Giyu my lover. "Where is Urokodaki-sama? And why are you here?" Giyu asked I told him about Mr. Urokodaki and I smelling blood and a demon so he went to go see and that he told me to stay here. Just as he was finna hand me something Mr. Urokodaki arrived with a buddle and....."TEEEE!!!!!!" I yelled I ran over to also see my daughter in his arms I cried "They could still be alive there warm" Mr. Urokodaki told me I took Mei from him and brought her in the house. "Giyu grab my medic box my the door and a bucket of water." I told him as I was rushing past with Mr. Urokodaki in toll. 5 minutes later Giyu has the items I need "what happen?" he asked Mr. Urokodaki told him as I was my best to make sure they didn't turn. I went outside to get fresh air and thinking about if I did things right.

"It'll be alright Kari, our daughter is fine and so is Tee have faith in yourself

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"It'll be alright Kari, our daughter is fine and so is Tee have faith in yourself." the familiar voiced said I was about to turn around when he hugged me.

(Instead of shinobu it's Za'kari and she wearing a navy blue kimono while Giyu has his uniform on)

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(Instead of shinobu it's Za'kari and she wearing a navy blue kimono while Giyu has his uniform on)

"Okay don't you have to go soon? But when do I need to come to the HQ, I'm sure I need to help Aoi with injury people and plus I think Mei misses her godfather Kyojuro." I told him as I gave him a kiss "I'll come get you when its time but I want you to know a boy name Tanjiro and his sister are coming to train, his sister is a demon-WHAT!- as I was saying his sister is a demon but she didn't attack him she protected him, I'm sure she on our side." Giyu told me which I could only nod. "I have to go but don't think you won't get pregnant after our next session." Giyu said causing me to blush "oh hush, go give your daughter a goodbye kiss and we'll see you later." I told him.

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