chapter ₀₀₃

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From Previous Chapter:

I was still in the butterfly mansion helping Aoi I look at the sun noticing it was noon. "I must go Aoi the master need me now" I told her and ran back to Kagaya home. I received permission to come in by Amane "is Kagaya-san ready for his medicine?" I asked her " he is in a meeting right now I'll bring him to you once its over." She told me I nodded and went to my room to go see Mei and Zuko.


As I walked In I seen Zuko jumping on his hind legs going in a circle while Mei was tossing his food. "really?" I said she and Zuko looked at me Zuko ran and jump on my shoulder. "We are going to the backyard to get better training okay" I told them I trained Zuko how to defend himself from bigger animals or demons, the strange thing yet interesting that happened was that I taught the fox fire breathing and it used it on a dummy I had up which shocked me an animal could do it with a sword or being a human. It was late when Amane called(we outside to tell us that Kagaya was in my room waiting. I called Mei and Zuko to go wash up and get ready for bed(yes Zuko likes to wash his paws), I went to the room Mei, Zuko and I rest in "Are you ready Kagaya we missed the afternoon shot since you were in a meeting I assume." I said "yes we were discuss about what's all going on now and how we have a demon against demon on our side to put in short." He said which made me hum I gave him his shot and whished him a good night.

-Next Day-

I woke up a little late normal to practice my first breathing technique. I grabbed my black nichirin blade and walk to front of the estate. Nobody was there what I assumed so I took this chance to practiced "Akatsuki breathing sixth form: deadly plants growmation" I said as I swung my sword as blades cutting tree leaves watching poising plants grow and attack each other as if there were imposters. 'I heard clapping behind me and looked to see Giyu which made me blush in embarrassment "h-how long?" I asked "The way time even they seen it he said pointing to Rengoku and Shinobu which made me melt like jelly "don't be embarrass Za'Kari-Chan" Rengoku said "That's is for you to say you didn't hid from the world like I did Kyojuro" I said "Can you do another one it was amazing" Shinobu said I nodded and thought of my favorite one "Akatsuki breathing eleventh form: pain of a thousand rods" I said slashing a dummy watching invisible rods stab it falling to the ground with holes in it. "woah...that its quite interesting" Giyu said "oh shut up Giyu you know you wasn't impress" Shinobu said elbowing him.

"Shinobu I would appreciate it if don't assume how he feels" I said kindly smiling "oh please it's not like nobody likes him I bet he would hang like a Christmas tree if he wanted

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"Shinobu I would appreciate it if don't assume how he feels" I said kindly smiling "oh please it's not like nobody likes him I bet he would hang like a Christmas tree if he wanted." She said what shocked me more was that Mei heard it "Don't talk about my dadda, he is brave and strong just like uncle Tanjiro, and uncle Kyojuro!" She yelled which made me face palm "w-wait you gave birth to his offspring! No wonder he been very suspicious!" Shinobu yelled she got me  irritated and bored that I picked up Mei and grab Tomioka head and went to the back of Kagaya home. "As much as I have no problem with people you need to stand up for yourself, how have his been happening?" I asked "for a couple of years" he said holding his head down Mei got out of my hold and hugged him even Zuko came from who knows where to lick him 'how cute I thought and join the hug.

"Kota! Kota!*caw* it is I your birdie Marlen!*caw* We been given a mission no killing involved *caw* held to Asakusa!" I looked at Giyu with sorrow "Mei ask Kagaya to allow papa 3 days off with no mission to babysit, this will allow you to play with him and Zuko." I said getting up. She nodded and ran into the house saying hello to Kiriya along the way. Giyu gave me a kiss and Zuko jumped on my shoulder "oh no mister you have to stay here and protect you savior!" i told Zuko. he yipped at me saying 'me go too' which made me smile "stay". I kissed Giyu once again and told him to wait for me.

-In the city of Asakusa-

Zuko ended following me which made me send a quick letter to Giyu that Zuko was with me. Marlen told me to search for lady Tamayo for something that was for Kagaya(I like using his actual name since his last name causing me to go to previous chapter just to look for it).  I seen a lady walk toward me. 'hmm maybe that's her' I thought

"excuses me miss, but could you me lady T?" I asked "yes, you must be the person who is making medicine for Ubuyashiki-san?" she asked I nodded my head and she told me to follow her

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"excuses me miss, but could you me lady T?" I asked "yes, you must be the person who is making medicine for Ubuyashiki-san?" she asked I nodded my head and she told me to follow her. We talked a little bit then arrived at a brick wall I seen her walk and I walked in behind her Zuko got scared and gripped me till he realized he wasn't dead 'cute' I thought. I then met her assistant who was total grumpy "this is my assistant Yushiro" she told me I nodded and wave only to have him look away 'wow'. I took the items that was need and put them in my bag. "I heard you have a daughter who is a demon, yes?" she asked "oh...yes I do though she hasn't turned fully I nullified it to the point she only has sharp teeth and a demon art ability." I told her she looked shock and so did the grumpy demon "impossible!" he yelled "well I made the impossible possible it only took me 2 years to great the first batch and it was my first time." I said 

"I really must hurry back Zuko is my only pet/companion and I like for him to be safe." I told them. Once I told them my final goodbyes and Yushiro being grumpy yet saying 'come back  when you can.' I smiled and went on my way back. During my travels back to HQ I encounter demons which a hesitantly killed them without losing control. 'I haven't lose control which is good. I watch the demons disintegrate. I hurried along Zuko been sleeping every since we left the city in my bag. I let my guard down for 2 seconds and now I'm falling down a cliff  I looked around me keeping a slow pace and did my zodiac breathing Aquarius tidepool to easy the fall. The demon had jumped down and glared at me 'upper moon3!!!!'  I said sweating I tried to slice the demon but it tossed my sword away "yelp" I said paincing "what a pretty human,your strong too." he said

(A/N:Im going to stop it here since I'm in the mist of a writer block since trying to be creative yet also follow along the story line it's diffcult but I'm going to try making a drawing of my oc and putting on here.)

The Hashira who is afraid to kill demonsWhere stories live. Discover now