Chapter ₀₀₅

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(A/N:Guyyyyysssss im writing today since I only have 1 homework assignment but yea it wont last long I can tell you that I will be making 4 more chapters before the next special if you want to recommond an anime or something somewhat similar like Castlevania,but I will be making an Castlevania special next and Za'Kari will be the wife of Alucard more details will be on the 9 chapter.)

I woke up to feeling pain on my stomach,I woke up to seeing Mai smiling and Giyuu next to me "its too early for this what's going on?" I asked as I was sitting up "We have a meeting again and you might have to go back into hiding." Giyuu said holding my hand. "oh,Mai go pick mommy a pretty outfit and Giyuu I need you to bring me my writing items I need to send Tee a message before arrival" I said getting up and noticing Zuko sleeping next to me. I went to the bathroom and go grab to the bucket and went to get water only to be stop by Giyuu "I'll get water right you letter." He said taking the bucket and walking out the room. I went to go write a letter to Tee.

-Time skip timme of the meeting-

I was also being pestered by Shinbou "Za'Kari if Tomioka doesn't have friends it must mean the same as you,so with that saying you'll die alone just like him" She said "Oh is that you know that those who does the most like what your doing is most likely to die... I heard Tanjiro foot steps "Good morining otouto-san do you sleep well,where is imouto-san?" I asked ignoring Shinbou babbling "She was tooken with Mei she was strong to carry her away,but yes I did sleep well I heared what happen Nee-chan,are you alright you should be resting."Tanjiro said to me i smilied and patted his head "I'm okay get in line ....The master has arrived!" I said in a loud tone so the other hashira could hear. "Good evening everyone it also seems that there is tense air in this space am I right Kota?" Kagaya said to me "your correct master,I shall keep it more calm next time master" I said with my head down

-Time skip after meeting-

I was told I had to leave for the greater good but I couldn't go back to my home nor could I go back to my favorite old man home. I decided I would find and abandon village it make it my home. I was walking to my room when I was stopped by Tanjiro "nee-chan will you be alright?" I couldn't help but break down and hug him "Of course I will may this last I go on set off sparks and everyone's heart now you must get ready to leave for I'm sure you have things to do, Mei has already put Nezuko back and your room at the butterfly estate." I said as I walked away into the master house(she part of the family so she don't usual need to have persmission to enter). As I enter the room Mei was sleeping with Zuko on her stomach. 

I was digging in my bag looking for all the ingerdients I would be needing to make the a bit more of an antidote for Mei and Tee this would be the last time I can do for they would need to have the will to become human again. 'I need some air' I thought getting up and accidently making Zuko wake up "my bad Zuko,would you like to take a walk with me?"  I asked holding out my arm which he glady jumped into. I went outside the house and decided to walk to the bridge and relax, as I was getting close to the bridge I saw Muichiro staring off in the clouds. "Muichiro how is it going" I said smiling touch his shoulders  "oh,Kari when did you get here?" he said confused "forgetful as oh ways I just got here how is it going?" I said which he responded back "it could be better but I'm doing alright, though I will be sad since you have to go" he said hugging me(yes he is ooc) I couldn't help but hug him back "I know it will be sad but I know you'll be fine. Now what i'm going to say is something I want you to remember forever okay?" I asked looking down at him

"of course ytou know I can never forget yours a-and b-big brother words" he said stuttering a bit. "I want you to remember if I was to ever die or become a demon that I will forever protect you even if that means becoming a spy for you guys(remember this ya this gonna affect the spoiler in the actual managa/anime)." I said rubbing his left cheek. "is what the rumors say true that you are in danger?" He asked looking at me in the eyes. I took a deep breathe and nodded. "It seems one of the uppermoon demons is after me to make me a bride(I did realize that he had a wife but untill he dies to go to her, he simping for Za'Kari)."

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