Special 001

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A/N:So today in this special im thinking it goning to be a jjk one Za'Kari is going to be a reincarnation. Let's begin

'What is this feeling' I thought as I touched something slimy I could see but I could hear 'keep pushing'....'WAIT IM IN A WOMB!!! Is this what my children felt it's so weird in here.' Hours Later I could here 'Its a girl' Which made me roll my eyes of course I'm a girl. I open my eyes to see who my new parents were "aww she opened her eyes...let's name her Za'Kari like then woman in the Taisho Era she has her beauty, Za'Kari Ito" the woman said she had beautiful brown skin with dual eyes of whiteish-blue and Red with black hair and my father what light skined like 'Giyu' and had white hair with beautiful coco eyes. "She even has a dual color of both of our eyes, brown and a whiteish blue color" The man said.

-3 years old-

I'm offical 3 and I already know math that a normal high schooler would I can tell my Iq was quite high since I started talking at 2 months and walking at 2 and a half months. My parents were so amazed that they told me that I could finally go see a friend of theirs. During the car ride I seen a boy with pink hair 'what a pretty color' I thought than going back to reading a book about breathing techinques. Mother told me she is a descendants from me in my past life, I couldn't believe but she is a long line of great granddaughter to me but since i'm reborned I'm just her daughter, The book I'm reading was made by my first daughter Mei. 

- Tokyo Jujutsu Tech high school- 

  As we pulled up my parents told me to close my book and put it in the bag

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  As we pulled up my parents told me to close my book and put it in the bag. I did as told and soon got picked up and carried inside of a building. "Masamichi, we brought our smart daughter" my mother said as father put me down.

 "Masamichi, we brought our smart daughter" my mother said as father put me down

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(this is what we wearing)

The man my mother called told me to come closer, I didn't feel no evil int so I walked closer to him. "What is your name young one?" he asked "Ito Za'kari" I said with a small smile "well im Yaga Masamichi but you can call me uncle you'll be here when your parents have work like today,is that alright with you?" he asked me I looked at my parents then back at him that is finne with me as long as you allow me to do training session with someone who knows how to use swords." I said that last part in his ears. "we'll be back as soon as we can,princess" father said I nodded and waved them goodbye hoping for a soon return but turned out they were never coming back.

-6 years later- 

I'm 9 years old and Uncle Yaga had to go to a meeting so now I'm stuck with a lunatic name Gojo Satoru and my friend Megumi. "Za'Kari-Chan⁓ why don't you let me see that book" Baka Gojo asked I gave him my dark expression Megumi taught me and scared him off and to be picked up and spinning "BAKA GOJO BAKA PUT ME DOWNN!" I yelled he didn't really listen so I said somthing that usually makes him depressed "That why I prefer Geto-sensei over you" I said and jumped out of his arms running to Shoko office to take cover before hearing "Za'Kari-Chan⁓ you big meanie!" he yelled cry I asume fake tears. As I went into Shoko room she was busy at work so I didn't bother her I went to her desk and sat down to continue my reading. 

-15 minutes later-

Gojo walked in with a wooden katana, Shoko was busy no more so I was sitting on her lap letting her read with me, I knew she wouldn't have the ability to pull this off due to her will not bering strong enough but she could preform a first form of any breathing style. 
Za'Kari-Chan⁓ we have practice let's go" Gojo said taking me aganist my will, "BAKA GOJO! Bye Shoko-Chan" I said waving as he walked out. "Let's see what you got now Za'kari" Gojo said with a serious face "Gojo just because the higher ups want me to be powerful like you doesn't mean I'm going to listen to them I'm planning on leaving to sendai when Uncle comes back it's more quiet there and I don't have to see you at all" I said Gojo was shocked I knew about the higher ups then rubbed my hair mession up my hair style, "Even if you were to leave I'll find you, your my baby sister" he said hugging me 'yeah and your to obesses with me because I'm small" I said whacking him even if his barrier slowed my movement.

-6 years later-

I been living in Senpai with the Itdori's for the past 6  years. "Yuji, Im bored I haven't really got to do things I wanted" I said pounting Yuji forced me to go to school thought I told him that the teachers and principal is fine if I don't come since I have the Iq higher than a scientist. I put on regualr clothes since I basically graduated at the highschool.

 I put on regualr clothes since I basically graduated at the highschool

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(Hair style)

(Hair style)

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"za'Kari come on you get on my back" Yuji said bye door which made me hurriedly open it. Yuji raw strength got us to the school in a blink of an eye 'I gotta train him' I thought "I'm going to class Za'Kari why don't you help teachers out?" He said I nodded and went to any teacher room that was the cloest. I helped R/T(Random teacher name) out and walked out their room when I looked at my watch it was only and hour past noon, I helped over half the teachers out grading their studies paper work and making notes if a student needed a better understanding. I walked to the principal office because I knew they were going to need some assistant. 

-3 hours later-

I finished the rest of the teachers that need help and notes and walked to Yuji   club room and greeted Iguchi-senpai and Saski-senpai. I put in my headphones and sat on Yuji lap texting uncle Yaga telling him I met a boy with ponetial of being a sorcerer. He replied with what's his name which I told him Itadori Yuji. Yuji seen the text and secertly asked me what's a jujutsu sorcerer which I whispered a person that exterminate curses. Which he took and said like ghost hunter I gave he a small nod since it's kinda like that.

(A/N:Okay guys im ending it here because school is starting back up and I need to be ready though I really don't want to go,m there will be a part two/special 002 for this) 

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