chapter ₀₀₄

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Pervious Chapter:

"I really must hurry back Zuko is my only pet/companion and I like for him to be safe." I told them. Once I told them my final goodbyes and Yushiro being grumpy yet saying 'come back when you can.' I smiled and went on my way back. During my travels back to HQ I encounter demons which a hesitantly killed them without losing control. 'I haven't lose control which is good. I watch the demons disintegrate. I hurried along Zuko been sleeping every since we left the city in my bag. I let my guard down for 2 seconds and now I'm falling down a cliff I looked around me keeping a slow pace and did my zodiac breathing Aquarius tidepool to easy the fall. The demon had jumped down and glared at me 'upper moon3!!!!' I said sweating I tried to slice the demon but it tossed my sword away "yelp" I said paincing "what a pretty human,your strong too." he said

(a/N: Yoo my dog might get put down and im scared cuz she been in life since I was a baby.(7/16)


'great im gonna die aand I wont be able to give Mei her child,and  wont be able to be Tanjiro big sister' I sighed "what do you want" I said in a montone voice the demon looked at me crazy to smiled with a minster look, "your body" he replied. 'this mf'I thought "well...thats cool and all but I have a husband and plus I'm a human go find a demon" I said kicking him in the stomach with a blade coming out of my shoe. I took off for my sword once I had the chance and ran 'there is no way I'm going to make it....wait I could use Akatsuki breathing'll be risky though' I thought as I dodge at attack it was sending I know I wouldn't be able to dodge any more so I stopped and faced him.  "So you finally stop,if were gonna fight, allow me to turn you into a demon as a backup choice when you want to give yourself to me." He said "No...that won't be happening,but I guess I can say you look handsome" I said to him "Well I'm Akaza, uppermoon 3,and yours?" He asked I rolled my eyes "My name is Kota Za'Kari, I'm called the unseen hashira" I said too him as I let my white hair flow in the air. I already had my things momved I seen Zuko pop his head out then back in and peeped. I got distracted falling to noticed Akaza was 2 meters away. "akatsuki fifth form: waves of infinity flames" I said making many air slices which turned into waves of fire, once slices his arm in half, another cut his arm off and many cut his stomach. he's body shook and everything was regenerated. 

"That's a nice sword,it's a nice technique you have." He said licking his blood from his previous wound 'ew...but his regenerate quick yet what scares me more his his aura is overwhelming, it just had to be an uppermoon' I thought "Why don't you become my bride and a demon?" He asked  he lifted his hand toward me "become a demon Za'Kari, you can become powerful amd carry my children" he said "my values are much more different from you Akaza-san(we respect his ability) but becoming a demon means I have to fear and hate what I love" I told him I felt sworrow come from him then it quicky turned into a netural look. "GO TO HQ ZUKO DON'T LOOK BACK" I yelled to Zuko but in another language. "I won't become a demon" I said to him "I see" he said and came to me at full force. "techinque development destructive death:Compass Neddle" he yelled "if you refuse to become my bride I'll just have to kill you" he said. He came at me throwing punches with air also being used I blocked and dodge most of them 'the sun it coming up I need to stall for 20 more minutes.' I thought.

 I stalled as long as I could I even used my eleventh form:pain of a thousand rods. which did the most damage he did cut me to deep on most of my limbs but due to me being a mother a half demon child the pain felt normal. I used the techinque Kyojuro taught me when you want to pause the bleeding. As soon as the sun started rising the fear in Akaza eyes came which causes him to leave but before he said 'I'll find you later my bride' I sat down leaning aganist a tree I found a new bruied hole as I digged it up it turned out to be medicine from my bag if I was ever injuired. 'I see Zuko knew I would need these.' I thought smiling. 

-Time skip-

I woke up in a room I got up slowly only to be put down. "BIg sis you just had to fight did you?" A voiced asked i turned to see who it was...Aoi I couldn't help but smiled "you wanna know something that demon made me simp for his gold eyes when he felt scared of the sun" I said then started laughing. "well get some more rest the master wants to see you when your all healed and your mission was a succes." Aoi told me I was about to close my eyes when Aoi left when the door open up and I was hugged  by many arms "guys I can't see" I complained I soon seen it was Giyu, Mei with Zuko, and Tanjiro "We thought you had died you was supposed to be here teo days ago even the master go worried, when we seen Zuko with a bag for rhe master we knew somthing I had happen." Giyu said something more than enough emotions

I told them all what I was told from the uppermoon 3 demon, Giyu was pissed but calmed down when he heared that I had a husband 'aww he jelly' after they all lefted I wrote a quick letter to both old man Urokodaki and Tee. I explained that I was doing well and I met and uppermoon demon and that I have a demon slayer fox name Zuko who demands for affection. I even told them about trying to cure the master but the curse having a stronger effect(the master thing was only told to Urokodaki). When I finished the letter A called for Marlen to send it to urokodaki on the foot of Mountain Sagiri. After that I felt asleep.

(A/N:Okay guys I know I could've post a couple of days ago but I did get lazy and I was reading on my main wattpad account I'm currently reading SECRET it's a Jujutsu Kasien x Kny reader and it's good I only started yesterday so Im currently on Chapter 4 of it, but I do wish I could have someone that could also write on here so it's not just me it does get hard when you try to get creative but also stay on the story line but not on story line. I think I'm going to post every Monday and Thursday so Monday I'm going to postg a special which won't be about this story)

The Hashira who is afraid to kill demonsWhere stories live. Discover now